I like to swap out with the Kung fu Majong movies too. I dont think they had as much budget to work with for them but I still love them. If you like their style (her and the husband), they may be worth a watch.
I like to swap out with the Kung fu Majong movies too. I dont think they had as much budget to work with for them but I still love them. If you like their style (her and the husband), they may be worth a watch.
Wonder if they know it’s taken a long time for the medical world to acknowledge that women can also have adhd, therefore most have gone undiagnosed.
Im here, on the other side ladies.
I am a woman well into my 40s. I used to insist people call me by a man’s name as a small child and growing up for a bit. I was raised in a very churchy midwest town, only child. The Thought of transitioning, then, in that area, was well kept out by church and lack of internet for us younguns. I barely knew what gay was, mostly from all the folk who called me butch and tomboy, got me curious to find out. Learned about cross-dressing but didn’t realize there could be more than my jeans n tees already. Cried so hard the day I woke up with boobs as a teen, late bloomer and thought I’d be spared. And yeah, if I could have been a dude, I’d be a hella gay one. Was very confusing growing up with all nuclear family ideals and not fitting any of them, including their idea of the variety of the gender and sexuality spectrum that “wasn’t allowed”.
I also wonder if we had the internet media tech, medical knowledge and availability earlier, or was born later, who I might be.