You’re trying to solve a medical issue with technology.
That should be done under the supervision of a medical professional such as a psychologist.
No one compares You stand alone To every record I own Music to my heart That’s what you are A song that goes on and on
You’re trying to solve a medical issue with technology.
That should be done under the supervision of a medical professional such as a psychologist.
I’ve had that, not bad If you add cheddar too!
Anchovies on pizza, I wouldn’t say that I love it but sometimes I get strong cravings for that salty little fish on my pizza.
I bet the first company to pull this off will be McDonald’s or Disney.
Not the longest, but the most recent.
I’ve been waiting for this game to launch (2019), as long as the site doesn’t go down there’s hope.
I mostly read manga. But for sci-fi books the freshest one in my memory is Dune.
Would you hold that against me?
Sounds like you’re after a Conference Table Connectivity Box.
Edit: you’ll need to route a separate box for usb data. If it’s a long distance look into fiber optic cabling.
Try rolling it at the waist like a skirt if there’s not too much fabric.
I found school wasn’t that helpful. They seemed more geared to just test. I used services like cbt-nuggets to supplement the lesson plans and found it invaluable. Perhaps there’s something like that available to you.
The trick is to study throughout your life. Never stop learning, integrate that information into your life. Just like someone who learns how to play a new game, they use use that information regularly.
But if you want a vague label. There’s heteroflexible / homoflexible.
Until I’ve had time to digest a large meal and an unholy amount of water. I also have a multivitamin.
I want to add on to that, flatpak even struggles with native Linux games like left4dead2. (Hardly any mods work)
They are naive, once they’ve experienced the hardships of an hour. Their human spirit will be crushed.
I’ve seen posts like this get deleted, so you might want to find a technology focused community.
But any used laptop with decent information about it would probably be fine.
I’d suggest kubuntu lts so you don’t need to do major updates frequently and it’s well supported.
However it is possible to run Google’s OS but I’m not familiar with how well that experience will go.
Calm down Barkley, they’re totally safe.
First, no coffee/energy drinks after 12 hours before I want to sleep.
So if I wake up at 7am and want to be in bed 9 hours before 7am. That means the only time I can drink energy drinks is before 10am.
Brutal, esp since the important part wears off in less than 4. Let’s negotiate.
I can have one at 8am, 1pm and the last at 5pm?
OnePlus is fine but try to get it directly from them. Avoid reseller sites.