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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Everyone has their stuff and their time to go through it.

    Looking at what others are enduring too helps for inspiration and strength - frig someone I know has a parent dying of ALS and doesn’t even show it in their day to day. That’s a rough situation, they’re in their early 30s like me and they’re handing it with so much grace.

    Someone else I know, late 20s, just severely injured themselves in a foreign country to the point where they are in a medically induced coma and may never walk again. The medical bills are going to be at least $100k to evacuate them out, and they can’t leave the country until it’s paid. That’s awful for them and their family.

    I wouldn’t trade either of these situations for my own.

    I’m not saying OP should look down on people who have it worse or that they can’t be mad/sad with their current situation. Just that hearing others’ stories can help with the strength to move forward.

    In terms of my sis, one of the greatest lessons in life I’ve learned is that you can’t make another adult do anything even when it really is the best thing for them. I think there’s a strong criminal harassment case but she’s gotta get there - I just have to support her until she does. This gets him out of the house, makes it safer for her, and then they can divide assets. She’s trying to deal with him rationally and keep harmony but it hasn’t sunk in that no matter what she does it will boost the tension and she’s just gotta rip the band aid off in the smartest and safest way. In divorce law, it can be used against you if you “abandon the home” and their home has tons of equity so she can’t go anywhere. And any subsidized housing for him is several years’ wait. Hard to convince a mentally ill person who needs treatment of that when he flip flops between his new GF, breaking up with his new GF, can him and my sister get back together, wait no my sister is the devil and me and her are both cheating on our husbands (lol not cheating in her case because they’re separated), emailing my husband these lies and then in a separate email admitting they are lies, believing her birth control IUD is actually an abortion and she’s a baby killer, then wait no GF and him are back together.

  • You just gotta try to hang on. Life as you get older is a total question of wtf is going to happen next.

    I’m in one of those cycles.

    1. Covid
    2. Walked in on my dad almost dead from undiagnosed cancer and my childhood home trashed because everything fell apart when he was looking after my mom who has early onset dementia
    3. 2 weeks later my dad dies & I am visiting the hospital during the height of Covid. My mom has to live in the hospital and doesn’t know who I am anymore. She doesn’t know her husband died.
    4. Cancer scare. I think it will be fine? They’re still testing.
    5. Husband lost his job. I am the only breadwinner.
    6. Sister in abusive relationship with a severely mentally unstable husband who is spending all of their money. I fear every day he is going to kill her and their kids. She can’t kick him out of the house because he is on disability and can’t afford his own place.
    7. Substantial changes at my job leading to feelings of mega insecurity for me.

    Oh yeah and my mom isn’t even dead yet!

    But I’ve also had some really great experiences during this time that I wouldn’t trade for the world.

    If psychedelics are safe for you and you have no history of mental illness in your family I would strongly suggest that.

  • I would disagree with renting a car.

    Get a JR Pass instead - it lets you ride the bullet train unlimited for a specific period of time. This is a steep discount over buying tickets in the country. You need to get this mailed to your house in the US while you are outside of Japan, before you travel. They mail you a voucher and you bring this and pick up your pass at the airport (Japan is big on physical paperwork). Don’t forget to get an eki ben when you ride - it’s part of the experience.

    The Ghibli Museum may still be closed to tourists so if you want to do that verify before you go. If it is open to tourists again, you also need to buy your tickets to that from outside Japan, have voucher mailed to home, and pick up as well from JR iirc.

    Look into booking TeamLab Borderless (Tokyo) ahead of time, Kabuki is fun, sumo is fun (depending on when you go there may or may not be a basho going on & the city switches), and then just wander around and enjoy temples, sights, and food!!!

    Oh yeah also get a suica card ahead of time and you can install it on your phone to tap in the subway and also pay for snacks at Family Mart if I recall correctly.

  • Thrillhouse@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlOopsy daisies
    9 months ago

    I don’t think you’re arguing in good faith. There were more countries involved in WW2 than Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union but, as I said, I’m not an expert and I don’t expect people to be.

    It was a mistake on the part of the speaker, he owned it, and then the government apologized. Case closed. Don’t be a partisan hack.

  • Thrillhouse@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlOopsy daisies
    9 months ago

    Yes let everyone, despite everything else going on at the time, pause in the moment to recall the finer points of WW2 geopolitics because everyone obviously has all those facts at the forefront of their mind at all times.

    List of people who clapped: literally everyone.

    I watched at home and didn’t clue in and I didn’t have cameras pointing at me documenting an internationally significant diplomatic event.

    This is not the own you think it is.

  • Thrillhouse@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlOopsy daisies
    9 months ago

    Could just be an honest mistake, but it doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be held accountable and I’m glad he has been. If I read the headline correctly I think the PM has also made a formal apology on behalf of the Canadian government as well but someone feel free to correct me on that because I didn’t quite get to reading the article.

    I think the Speaker’s riding is North Bay? The way a lot of small towns / northern cities work is someone tells you “oh I know him he’s a good guy” and you just kind of take it at face value until you find out otherwise.

    Now that’s not the way international protocol should work, obviously, and of course the Russians are going to use it.

    I don’t necessarily believe he was “put up to it” because the simplest explanation is just Northern Ontario word of mouth gone awry and applied to an international diplomatic event where it absolutely should have been fact checked. If I recall correctly, the Speaker said it was a last minute decision.

    I have a contact in the house so I can update if I hear any whisperings. My question is: is the Chief of Protocol responsible for reviewing the Speaker’s remarks. The answer could quite conceivably be no, and if so I think that process should be reviewed.

  • Thrillhouse@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlOopsy daisies
    9 months ago

    That’s not the context though and misrepresents the situation.

    The Speaker of the House invited this guy because he knew of him from his riding. Without doing research or looking further into the circumstances of this individual’s service, the speaker made the decision to recognize this individual.

    This has nothing to do with the PM. It’s the speaker and he resigned.

    It’s pretty disgusting that people try to twist this into a partisan issue so they can dig at the PM. It’s disingenuous and kind of shitty to misrepresent this situation tbh.