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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • Woah are you technoreligious? Sure believe what you want and all but that is full tech bro bullshit.

    Also on a different not just purely based off of you description doesn’t it seem like being able to just use search engines is easier than figuring out all of these intricacies for most people. If a tool has a high learning curve there is plenty of room for improvement if you don’t plan to use it very frequently. Also every time you get false results consider it equivalent to a major bug does that shed a different light on it for you?

  • You could put more efforts towards making a systemic change rather than just affecting your own life. Protests, promoting green things at your workplace, outreach and education, etc. It’s been ingrained that individuals are the problem and they they should recycle more at home and create less waste but the root is always on things being unregulated. Even if you sacrifice some individual benefits you have been at a small systematic change would likely have a much bigger impact.

  • You could always just tell them to their face that you think them saying that makes you think they are racist, unfaithful, indoctrinated in misinformation, etc.or otherwise call out the behavior/comments as unacceptable in the workplace. Won’t necessarily make them reconsider their flawed ideals but can hopefully let them know that you don’t want to hear about it. I work remote now and that definetly cuts down on small talk in general. At a previous job some guy was deep in Christianity and was talking to me about how evolution just doesn’t make sense and God must be real because of it. I just brushed off and ignored comments like that because it wasn’t worth the hassle.