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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023

  • “use the link or cancel the attachment”

    The criteria where you would want to “cancel the attachment” here, is when a link would have been inserted in it’s stead.

    I’m not upset. I am utterly bewildered at how a (presumably) functional adult in 2024 doesn’t understand basic email or how cloud drives work.

    In looking back I realize that you’re one of those people who confuse emphasis with anger. I can’t really help you there. Out of curiosity, are you the type of person that reads a sentence with a period at the end as aggressive in a text message?

    You say something like: “I think we should do x”

    Person replies as: “Ok that should be fine.”

    Do you read the response as aggressive (active or passive)?

  • Nope, I just deal with OneDrive support constantly and I can say definitively that it’s pretty decent at what it does, and if the links you are getting or sending are not working, it is your fault.

    If you want to bitch about something substantive, how about bitching about how 365 has like 20 admin panels that are opaque about what they are and what they do, terrible menu layouts in those menus, etc.

    That stuff is a very real problem.

    Some boomer who can’t figure out how cloud drives work is not a real issue.

  • If you were into tech, the tech people were amazing. Yonatan Zunger comes to mind. He was a backend engineer at Google and the guy was great.

    I also met many people who are still friends, many of whom became real life friends too.

    I even got an amazing job thanks to my contacts on g+.

    The feed layout was awesome. The fact that everything got fed to rss. The fact that you could tailor posts so easily. God I miss it. Only social media I’ve ever really been a part of.

    It was wonderful ♥️

  • A very intelligent person can have some very stupid ideas. The fact that they are intelligent does not make their ideas intelligent as well. Referring to an idea as stupid is not the same as referring to the progenitor as stupid.

    You do not understand how logical fallacies work. This is demonstrated by your responses.

    Furthermore, saying the equivalent of x person is smart therefore they are right and as a result I am right because I invoked person x is an appeal to authority.

    Ding ding, ok school is in session:

    Ad hominem attack defined

    An ad hominem attack is when someone tries to win an argument by attacking the other person’s character instead of addressing the actual issue or argument. It’s like saying, “You’re wrong because you’re a bad person,” instead of explaining why their idea might be incorrect.


    If you call an idea “stupid” but focus on explaining why the idea itself is flawed, it’s not an ad hominem attack. For example:

    Not an ad hominem attack: “The plan to build a bridge out of paper is stupid because paper isn’t strong enough to support any weight.”

    In this case, you’re calling the idea “stupid” but you’re explaining why it’s a bad idea based on its merits.

    Ad hominem attack: “You think we should build a bridge out of paper? You must be an idiot.”

    Here, you’re attacking the person rather than addressing the reasoning behind their idea.

    This endeth the lesson.