• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • It takes a while to figure out how selections in Gimp work.

    It whenever you select you have created a mask and when you combine it with layers it can get very confusing.

    If you accidentally select a small bit you cannot edit anything else. I think that is what OP is referring to.

    There is a tool that shows you what you have selected that can help.

    IMO Gimp isn’t very well documented so you can get stuck for a while before you understand what is going on.

  • Pretty much

    Per chat GPT

    Digital Dadaism is a contemporary movement that combines the principles of Dada, an early 20th-century art movement that prized irrationality, nonsense, and anti-bourgeois protest, with modern digital technologies. Digital Dadaists use tools like digital media, software, and the internet to create artworks that often challenge traditional concepts of art and aesthetics, embracing absurdity, randomness, and the critique of contemporary culture, especially digital culture and consumerism.

    This form of art often manifests through various mediums such as digital collage, video, audio, and interactive installations. It reflects a critical and satirical approach to digital technology’s role in society, questioning the norms and functionalities of digital communication and the consumption of media.