It sucks. I like breakfast! On the bright side, two cups of coffee and I am not hungry for the next two hours and by then it is almost lunch time so I guess it works out. Brunch it is!
It sucks. I like breakfast! On the bright side, two cups of coffee and I am not hungry for the next two hours and by then it is almost lunch time so I guess it works out. Brunch it is!
I have the same trash can. Costco ftw.
Your push would travel at the speed of sound in the stick. You could think of hitting a pipe with a hammer, the sound of the hit would travel at the speed of sound, same is true for you pushing the stick.
The short story was OK but this is one of the few cases where the movie did it better, added flavor to it that wasn’t in the book but carries the emotional hit farther.
The short stories in that book felt very “woah dude” to me, in the end I finished it but didn’t like it all that much. I’ve been downvoted for this opinion before, but oh well.
Oh and IDKFA
So straw man arguments and a misunderstanding of sexuality.
The hot dog place in the Chicago airport has neon green relish.
Coney dogs have mustard on them.
Couldn’t a spider hitch a ride on something brought into the rocket?
I would love my data to be discarded. Freeloaders!
Yeah it is keto + OBOWAD. Alcohol inhibits fat metabolism so I would expect this to be less effective than keto for fat loss.
When I was keto I could have 1 serving of alcohol a day and that seemed to actually help prevent plateaus, probably due to diuretic effects. However, 2 or more drinks in a meal and I wouldn’t lose or would even gain due to inflammation. I don’t think I tried drinking 1-2 per meal for more than one meal a day.
Undersink filter with a dedicated drinking water tap. Removes the chlorine taste that is probably what makes you think salty. You can get the whole setup for $75 and install it yourself. The filters are $40ish and last 6-12 months.
Some fridges have cold filtered water taps built in.
Food that is actually spicy. I know it is available at some locations on earth, but I do not live within 500 miles of any of them. The only place near me that even offers a legit hot sauce is a food truck and that one is still a bit tame.
I’ve never seen sourdough French toast at a restaurant and it is literally the best bread to use. The texture holds up well to the egg dunk and the funky sourness complements the otherwise cloyingly sweet dish. Even better, instead of syrup I use salted irish butter, making it a savory dish with a hint of sweet cinnamon.
I’ve had apple butter single serve tubs at diners. It’s not as good as homemade but I can and have had apple butter biscuits at a diner.
Everyone likes their own brand
That’s not just bad, it’s Fort Wayne bad.