Prethoryn Overmind


  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • Prethoryn Overmind@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldHeadlines be like
    6 months ago

    Honestly, because diamonds are just cliché, over priced and over made meaning that don’t have a real high value and all the other gemstones have gone so unloved over the years. I mean, as a 28 year old man I fucking love my emerald earrings. Ruby ones as well for that matter. Fuck diamonds my dudes puts some color in the bling.

    I am wearing opal right now. Diamond are just kind of meh.

  • This is what Reddit used to do for me. The weirdest thing Reddit ever did was give me the name of an insect that for years I tried to Google when I would see it and I have legitimately only ever seen the bug 3 times in my 28 years of life. They are so small, so infrequent, and so rare that I thought for years I wasn’t even seeing an I sect but just a fuzz from a dandelion once it changes.

    I mean for actual fucking years I could not find the regular name, the slang name (usually changes based on dialect, or even the scientific name. The amount of times I searched for “white fuzzy bug” or “white floating bug.” No matter the combination. I even would tell people, “I remember seeing this bug and I have seen it so rarely I don’t even know if it is real.” And most of my friends would say, “yeah never seen it.” And then that one friend would say, “dude me too.” And then one fucking day I open Reddit and God dammit if I didn’t believe it someone gave me the name. Actual years of feeling insane and thinking those little fuckers were a sign of something higher because of how fragile and cute they are and Reddit not only gives me the name, confirms I am sane but enlightens me on the little bastards they actually are.

    I am from West Virginia and if you made it this far well by God if you have seen one then I swear on mother nature you aren’t insane and we are in this together.

    EDIT: A better site and image

    Woolly Aphid

  • I don’t really check Lemmy that often. Hence why my usage has dropped off. I also have become less and less involved with social media over all, but I apologize where apologies are due if I happen to stumble upon something I said.

    I regularly check history when I am on to see what was said. My Lemmy history isn’t great. I haven’t had an easy time getting integrated into Lemmy as I think it is just like Reddit.

    Your comment, I read in a different context. It wasn’t until I went back and looked at my history of the comment you were looking at that I grasped what you were actually trying to do. I read it in the opposite light. I essentially thought you were saying, "well I found a post where they weren’t talking about Linux and big corpo but I got it backwards.

    I owed you an apology regardless of time.

  • Not an SO story.

    Not to you know brag or anything here guys but I did have 3 people fighting over me once.

    2 of them actively ended up sleeping together to try and get me to pick one of them.

    I chalk it up to, “pfft it’s because he uses Linux.”

    Kidding of course. In all honesty, I had gone through a very confusing breakup. At the time I was sleeping with three people. All of them knew about one another and they all knew I wasn’t looking for anything serious because of the previous breakup. I was also trying to finish school.

    All three people were really sweet and I still talk to two of the 3 and they are good people. We were all 4 going through a confusing time in our life. The one I don’t speak to now is married. I wish all of them well.

    Also, before you ask. (You won’t but I feel the need to clarify) I am genuinely meh on the attractive scale or so I am told. So I don’t know which black magic was at work but it was a fun and stressful time.

    I am reading half of these stories and just appreciating how all three of the people knew about each other and all ended up being chill with one another and me. You all are dealing with some crazy shit.

  • I second this. Lemmy is fully of “techy people” that think the only way to be “techy” is the way they define it without realizing if you aren’t universally adept or open then you are curating your content to a point you are part of the “sheep” you claim not to be a part of.

    If you like anything you pay for then you are wrong. If you still use Windows you are wrong. You need to abandon everything Google and Apple but still buy a Google product and run a degooglefied version of the product. So give the company you hate your money but not your data. Makes perfect sense.

    It’s either Linux or the highway but not everyone wants to use a terminal to use Mullvad or Tor every time you want to access the web to shop for a pair of shoes. Despite the fact you can write a script that still requires you to use a terminal to run Tor or what ever.

    Not everyone wants Torrent speeds to pirate that piece of Microsoft software or movie. Some of us want to be, “normies” and just buy and use things that work without all the work that is unnecessary in our every day lives. We want to go to work, make money, spend time around people and things we love.

    Yes, we get it we are the reason corporations and capitalism exist but I don’t see your FOSS downloads and open source software slowing that way down. We don’t need online tech heros who can prove you can free yourself. We need activists and people like that running got local politics and leadership helping actually put a stop to being taken advantage of.

    Posting something about Unity enraging game companies is something anyone can do. But shoving a community off that you should be respectfully educating rather than shunning just because someone didn’t want to pirate a movie and instead watch it on a Windows machine through Linux isn’t or doesn’t change anything.

    I am no longer on Reddit but Lemmy is fully of tech people who also often have 0 fucking clue what they are talking about. Which is quite ironic.