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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • The issue for the commenter you replied to is that they think that laying the blame for a specific incident at the personal responsibility of the people directly involved somehow means that the diffuse responsibility of wider society in creating conditions wherein those incidents are guaranteed to regularly occur is somehow no-longer relevant.

    All that seems to matter in their assessment is who gets the finger pointed at them when the problem happens, not, why does the problem happen and what can we do to avoid it?

  • People are confusing (probably due to intentional prompting by those trolls trying to have bystanders fight their battles for them) the very real problem on Reddit that if you chase karma there were benefits to be had in terms of credibility and reach of your messaging and so whatever entities might benefit from such would tend to fill the space over in Reddit with content like that. Realistically that doesn’t change the most common content much as it really comes down to the sort of thing people will upvote but it did make it a bit worse. That’s being confused with some notion that somehow anyone who wasn’t chasing karma was entirely ignored. That just isn’t true. You might not be the absolute center of attention unless you’ve either post or said something especially worthwhile but so what?

  • True. But then you got 1 karma for every comment you made anywhere on the site and often the requirement was like 50 karma.

    Restricting posts to users who have managed to make a maximum of 50 comments that didn’t overwhelmingly piss everyone off isn’t actually very restrictive.

    I really don’t buy into any of this “oh, you had to only say what people wanted you to say!” handwringing. I never once saw a user with negative karma who wasn’t just there to actively cause trouble. I’m quite certain this notion that you had to subscribe to some sort of groupthink to make it through the karma system originates from a very tiny number of people who perceive not being actively anti-social in a social space as oppressive persecution of their “totally valid” “alternative opinions”. By all means, show me accounts that were actually participating in good faith that were pushed out of the conversation by the karma system and I’ll loudly complain with you on their behalf.

    But you can’t do that. Because they’re always some flavour of racist nazi troll dickhead.

    I said whatever the hell I wanted and was frequently confrontational or contrarian and still had some embarrassingly high amount of karma simply because I participated a lot and wasn’t actively there to fuck things up by intentionally being a toxic edge-lord troll.