Because not all positions are winnable and chess is more about records rather than 1 win or loss. For example 1 person beating another person 1 time is meaningless. 10-3-2 record means something else entirely.
Because not all positions are winnable and chess is more about records rather than 1 win or loss. For example 1 person beating another person 1 time is meaningless. 10-3-2 record means something else entirely.
They are sending migrants to Guantanamo bay because Mexico didn’t want them.
Happy New Year.
Wishing everyone abundant health and a house full of wealth.
It’s Vietnamese. A coworker sent it to me today and I thought it was hilarious
Lmao that is so accurate. I don’t think I know anyone with high energy dementia but Trump gotta be the first.
I guess reading comprehension is hard today on Lemmy so I’ll spell it out for you. Trump =pro genocide. Many voters supported Trump because they did not like Harris/Biden stance on Israel.
Ergo dumb voters vote for the pro genocide candidate (Trump) in an attempt to stop the genocide being committed by Biden.
You know if you ask questions before acting like an ass people will usually respond with an answer and maybe clarify what may have been misunderstood.
Lmao moving the bar? Are you that much in denial that you’re defending Bidens age? Also I’m not sure why you think I like Trump. Just because I can objectively acknowledge that Biden is as old as my grandmas breast milk doesn’t mean I’m a Trump supporter.
Get your head out of your ass and call things how they are. For the record Trump looked like shit 15 years ago but his makeup does a good job of hiding it which is why I said it’s hard to tell. Both things can be true.
I wouldn’t say that at all. It’s hard to tell because of trumps make up but Biden looks like absolute dog shit. His final months in office he looked like a strong wind will blow him over and break both of his legs.
Both men look their age but Biden was clearly the older of the two and had no business running for a second term. Whether he was healthier or not is irrelevant.
Imagine being the pro genocide candidate (Trump) and your opponents voter base (Harris) votes for you to stop the genocide 🤡 /s
Edit: edited because I guess the joke wasn’t clear. Cheeto man bad.
This must be Rafael Cruz
Lemmy/Reddit users when someone dares to ask them a question on a social media platform:
You’re a liar and fart like a clydsdale. It says 1 day ago
It was always about control. They had no control over the information and now they do. All of a sudden it’s not a problem anymore.
I love a good glizzy 😋
I think it depends on the person. Honestly when I had the night shift I was sleeping longer because I wasn’t getting much REM sleep because noise or sun.
With the right setup like really good curtains and empty house I’m sure it’s possible to balance the schedule and not oversleep. On my current schedule I’m only sleeping 6-7 hours. Night shift I was sleeping 9-10.
Your description sounds to me like someone was trying to explain how the US is a melting pot of cultures and they did an extremely poor job 😂
Essentially because we are a country of immigrants people with similar cultures tend to group together. For example there are parts of cities that are predominantly Italian or Chinese. Not because we are racist but because that just happens naturally. People want to share an experience a culture similar to their home country.
Obviously there is always a chance that someone will say something but just ignore them or tell them to mind their own business. You have our blessing to treat those people with absolute disrespect.
Fall Out Boy slander will not be tolerated
Profits are paid out in the form of dividends. They aren’t just sitting on a pile of cash. That is the problem. Instead of having money they are giving it to the wealthy instead of paying out policies.
How heavy would a stick of this size weigh?