I watch maybe 2-10 videos a day. Lengths between 2 minutes to a couple videos clocking an hour. I do not watch anything beyond 1 and a half hours unless it is a movie and that video is interesting enough.
I sometimes have audio streaming for background noise when sleeping but audio streaming is practically chump change so it is no factor.
Game downloading averages 100MB to 4GB at most with bigger games rarely ever being a thing.
Because they are the shitty kind. Here is what I do not get, I have seen CenturyLink and Mediacom vans come in my area. I assume it is to service people’s connections or other things. If my apartment management tells me that VisionSystems is all that they can offer, why do I see vans from other ISPs come here?
And Mediacom isnt too far from us either.
Mediacom and CenturyLink claim to not service my building though so something is not adding up.