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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2023


  • I once took a job where we essentially repossessed trap houses from the inhabitants - even if they had once been legal tenants. I soon started feeling much better when neighbours cheered us on and brought cups of tea. I later discovered my boss was notorious in the industry for going after scum rather than debtors. That job might have been the closest I’ve ever got to public service. But as for everything else you say, I couldn’t agree more. Debt collection against individuals is a disgusting, exploitative and inherently corrupt business.

  • (Very) broadly speaking in politics there’s economic and social positions. i.e. What kind of society to have and how to fund it. It’s complicated because it’s possible to have an identical position but for opposite reasons. For an extreme example imagine two people against slavery in the US civil war. Person one is against slavery because it is a stain on humanity. Person two is against slavery because they don’t want any non-whites living in the US. Identical political policy, diametrically opposed ideology. If I had to commit to one sentence answers about the values of left/right positions I’d probably say: Left - our money spent on our best interests whilst looking forward and being progressive Right - My money spent on my best interest whilst keeping society pretty much as it is or even going back a bit to how it were. This is obviously a gross generalisation and probably quite wrong.