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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • MuhammadJesusGaySex@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlMACHETE
    6 months ago

    I thought it was Steven Seagal.

    I only know 2 things about Steven Seagal.

    1. Steven Seagal is a Russian shill.

    2. One time Gene LeBell choked Steven out so hard, that Steven Seagal shit his pants.

    Those are the only 2 things I know, and need to know about Steven Seagal.

  • I didn’t know that about the sequel. That’s pretty cool. I did know about the difference between the book and the movie. I read a similar discussion a few days ago. But your information is new to me.

    As someone that contracted Hep C Genotype 2 from IV drug use, and has now been “cured” (meaning I have an undetectable viral load 10+ years later) though technically you are never cured from a virus. I did a brutal regimen of peg interferon and ribavirin for 6 months. The side effects are fucking horrible.

    Because of this I have read about Hep C pretty exhaustively. Someone said that Jenny could have caught it from being sexually abused as a child from her father. While plausible, it is an incredibly remote chance. Hep C isn’t in body fluids like HIV. Hep C has to be blood to blood. The chances of transmission with surface blood to surface blood is incredibly remote not impossible, but not probable.

    For these reasons and more it bothers me that Hep C is used as her killer in the book. It’s such an unlikely killer, and the main way you get it is through unsavory activities like IV drug use. It seems like the author chose Hep C just as a punishment for her horrible life choices. Almost like Jenny is a yin to Forrest’s yang.

    Anyway, I could keep going on about this for more paragraphs, but you may know all this already, and even if you don’t you probably have better things to do with your time.

  • MuhammadJesusGaySex@lemmy.worldtointernet funeral@lemmy.worlddefamity
    7 months ago

    This reminds me of that old story. One, I have tried to live by.

    There was an old man with a huge watermelon patch. Every day a group of kids would come over and steal a single watermelon. The old man was furious about the kids stealing his watermelons and devised a plan. He went out and posted a sign in his patch that said “One of these watermelons is poison. KEEP OUT!”

    So, a day goes by, and no stolen watermelon. A week goes by no missing watermelons. The old man is just so pleased with himself and his success. But, then he wakes up after about a week and a half and goes to pick some watermelons, and notices that someone has put a smaller sign next to his. He walks over and the smaller sign simply says “Now there’s two”.

  • I did try Linux. I even took a college course and learned enough to pass. But I have a super shitty memory and it was redhat back in the late 90s so ALL THOSE COMMANDS. Jumping Jesus Christ on a pogo stick. I mean Linux had a gui but it was useless. So, instead I’m bashing away at my head with the little animal books, and for what? You couldn’t play games on it. Basically Linux was soooo painfully unenjoyable last time I used it I haven’t touched it since.

  • Well, I blame the guy that taught me about it. He used to take a bunch and go to school like that. We kinda made fun of him for taking the stuff all the time.

    So, one night he asks if I want to spend the night, and I say sure. My curiosity got the better of me and I told him I’d like to try it. I said that it was my first time and what’s a good beginner dose. He said 32. I said that sounded like a lot. He said 32. I said ok and took it.

    At that point I had done acid several times. One time I did five hits of acid and snorted 3 fat lines (not bumps) of ketamine. I thought I had experienced wild. Up to that point I hadn’t experienced anything.

    The next morning that asshole had the audacity to ask me if I was going to church with he and his family. Man, fuck that dude!

  • I’ve taken my fair share of DXM. The last time I did it I was hanging out with this guy. We were looking for roll or acid or both. I told him that I could make him the most fucked up he’s ever been and it’s over the counter. He called me a liar and told me to prove it.

    We get back to my house and each eat 32 pills. That was 2 boxes of medicine. About three hours later. This full grown man approached me with the face of a child that had just witnessed all the horrors of WWI, and said Muhammad I’ve never been this fucked up before.

    I said “I told you so. I then told him that the last time I did this I swore I’d never do it again, but I had made a special concession just for him.

    We laid in my side yard in complete silence for what felt like an eternity. Staring at the stars. Only to look at a watch and realize that only 20 mins had passed.

    It took 2 days to get back to normal. He didn’t hang out with me very much after that. Also, those pills had a sugar coating. The same coating name brand advil have. To this day my body won’t let me swallow anything with that sugar coating on it. I tried to take some Advil, and gagged so hard I shot the pill into my sinuses.

    I know that doesn’t answer your question, but I wanted to share.

  • Well, I mean you’re right about all of that. But, if I’m wrong and I decide to engage you anyway. It’s not really about proving myself right. It really becomes more of a how much time can I eat, and how frustrating can I be.

    See, you miss the point. Once I know I’m wrong and the other person is a dick. I’m not trying to be right anymore. It’s only about stealing your time. I am time rich. I have nothing but time. The longer I can keep someone on the hook with half cocked facts and almost getting it the better. I’m a house husband and it literally breaks the monotony of cleaning, and being a chauffeur.

    This isn’t something I do all the time. Generally, I spend my time just sharing my old person wisdom. For that matter I haven’t had a problem since coming to Lemmy from Reddit. I’m sure it’s coming. But, people here seem generally more pleasant.

  • MuhammadJesusGaySex@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlburned myself....
    9 months ago

    As I said to the other person.

    Either way I learned something new. But if you’re a dick I’m not going to let you know that. At best I’m not going to “feed the trolls” and at worst I’m going to make you work for being a dick.

    See it has less to do with being wrong. Hell, we’re all wrong sometimes. It has to do with how someone approaches me. All of us have some knowledge that someone else doesn’t. That’s ok. But that doesn’t make you or I special. Likewise, our lack of that particular knowledge doesn’t make us dumb either. So, why be a dick about it?

    Also, if you can believe this. I get into quite a few religious debates. I know. It sounds crazy. In those discussions things aren’t always as cut and dry as say 2+2=4. People get really passionate about what amounts to nothing but interpretation and opinion.