All markup support would be nice IMO.
Just a cat wandering about Tamriel.
All markup support would be nice IMO.
Tell them the they are the only gift you need and how lucky you are to have them in your life. Anything material just pails in comparison.
Here is a tool to see federated status of instances.
Tred on his corn!
figlet "Linux Rocks!"
_ _ ____ _ _
| | (_)_ __ _ ___ __ | _ \ ___ ___| | _____| |
| | | | '_ \| | | \ \/ / | |_) / _ \ / __| |/ / __| |
| |___| | | | | |_| |> < | _ < (_) | (__| <\__ \_|
|_____|_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\ |_| \_\___/ \___|_|\_\___(_)
Not a mistake but a fun reminder that the terminal can be a very fun place!
fortune | cowsay -f stimpy
/ Poverty Jet Set: \
| |
| A group of people given to chronic |
| traveling at the expense of long-term |
| job stability or a permanent residence. |
| Tend to have doomed and extremely |
| expensive phone-call relationships with |
| people named Serge or Ilyana. Tend to |
| discuss frequent-flyer programs at |
| parties. |
| |
| -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: |
| Tales for an Accelerated |
| |
\ Culture" /
\ . _ .
\ |\_|/__/|
/ / \/ \ \
/__|O||O|__ \
|/_ \_/\_/ _\ |
| | (____) | ||
\/\___/\__/ //
(_/ ||
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| ||\
\ //_/
__ || __||
How do you make a nazi ceoss?
If it ever comes to it you can count on me. Sorry we put you guys in this position.
Fuckwitistan might be prudent after the russian takeover.
So you went to the game, clicked on the gamepad icon on the bottom right of the game banner and selected enable steam input? Then selected a controller layout? I think its a little strange steam makes you do this per game as well as its general desktop setting.
Also did you try from a live usb environment? That was good advice as it could be something you/mimt installed after setup. Also you did do a checksum of your ISO before you burnt your install medium?
And there is no strange errors when starting steam from a terminal and running your game?
And you tried the steam beta?
If you have done all that might consider filing a bug report on steam.
Sometimes its worth waiting a few days for an update, might sort itself out.
It would make sense that the setting to enable PS input was not enabled. I have had this issue before after a fresh install as i had forgotten to enable the input. I remember being very pissed about it then feeling dumb. I hope that’s it cause its a simple fix.
Did you try to pair it with bt just to see if that works? Thats all I got. Hope someone comes along with some other options.
Ignore the bt part then. Id start with steam beta and see if that works. Then try a newer kernel? Worth a shot.
Im an arch user, a few days ago the same happened after an update of sdl3 and sdl2_compat. I switched to steam beta and things worked.
Might try completely removing the controller from bluetooth, rebooting and repairing.
Might make sure your using the same kernel that the other people are using. Been a very long time since i used mint and dont know how easy it is to change kernels but might be worth a shot.
What is it, dragons?
I have seen dragons. Perhaps you will see a dragon. I won’t say where I saw one. Perhaps I did not.
It could be argued that another country has already staged a coup, russia was pretty successful in its endeavour to install trump.
To expand on this with some small context albeit way older than the Romans. Egyptians gave the Peleset land in the Levant. Theorised that they were warrior peoples of the sea and the Philistines of biblical text somewhere in the late second millennium BC before the bronze age colapse. There is an incredible documentary by Pete Kelly (History Time) on youtube. Well worth the watch. Another great video he did about the Akkadians called The first Empire. He also did a great video about the Hittites. His whole channel is a goldmine of knowledge of the ancient world.
Any way the ancient world is filled with peoples from all over, moving around. Trade was a major factor. War was another. People from all over the Mediterranean and beyond mixed knowledge, their trades, their crafts, blood on battlefields and likely genes. Probably long before there was a written word pressed in clay.
Were all muts.