You have nothing to be ashamed of. Ep III has some issues, but it is still amazing and one of the most important movies. I have it in my top 2.
You have nothing to be ashamed of. Ep III has some issues, but it is still amazing and one of the most important movies. I have it in my top 2.
Enterprise - 56% critics 79% fans.
Critics must not understand Shran.
In his essay “To Tell a Chemist” (1965), Asimov proposed a simple shibboleth for distinguishing chemists from non-chemists: ask the person to read the word “unionized”. Chemists, he noted, will read un-ionized (electrically neutral), while non-chemists will read union-ized (belonging to a trade union).
Isaac Asimov is considered one of the greats of 20th century science fiction. Again, while most famous for writing science fiction he wrote much more than just that.
Isaac Asimov has won scores of Hugo Awards for stories and for Best Editor; dozens of Nebula Awards; several World Fantasy Awards; over a dozen Theodore Sturgeon Awards and Homer Awards; and multiple Sidewise Awards1. He has won Hugo Awards for Best Related Work, Best Novelette, and Best Editor.
He wrote 40 novels and a lot of short stories, and is a great read almost always. He also wrote textbooks because he was just amazing.
Well, presumably more than a few dozen light years away. A few dozen lightyears is nothing on a cosmic scale.
Ah, I could see that. It can be read either way, but I think the author intended it to be read this way. ‘Wow!’ As the reaction to the father’s statement that he won’t have to work if he does something he loves.
Yes how is the text supposed to for?
Wife and I watched through it for the first time last month.
We watched it for the second time last month as well.
Actually, we started our third watch last night.
Goldeneye did allow this. Crazy. Hard to use other buttons though.
Perhaps your award was the friends you made all along…
If you’re still using live journal in 2024, you should win SOMETHING.
We had a Garden Spider for one summer on the corner of our porch.
She was so chill and we loved having her around. They often rebuild that beautiful web every night.
She laid a few sacs, but none of her children stuck in our yard, sadly.
Just tried this.
So fast!
This guy’s AI! Everybody grab a pitchfork!
Omg lol
‘Query runs much quicker with 10 million fewer rows, Dave.’
I disagree on this point. Say what you will about midichlorians, but even before they were introduced, not everyone could use the force.
Granted that wasn’t explicitly stated in A New Hope… that random farm boy was already special because he was the son of a great Jedi Knight.
I’m nearing the end if my Marvel Suns phase… picked it up on sale on the PS5 a few months back. Played through twice… am hanging on to that last little bit of the playthrough.
I still snagged the Epic one immediately. Downside is that if I ever get back to beat the PC version, I’ll probably have to grab the DLCs… not so much for the missions and characters as for Morbius’ lab, which allows you to bump up your stats and make your characters even more OP and take on harder difficulties.
If you don’t test for it, it WILL rear it’s ugly head again.