• 4 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2024


  • Amen.

    What the people who want to control us don’t want us to realize is that you have a lot more in common with the Chinese/Russian/Ukrainian/Mexican/Indian working class… Factory worker/programmer/hard-working house wife… Then you do with your own political leaders and billionaires. People with servants who don’t ever worry about bills. (Biden, Trump, Harris, Vance, Elon, Gates, Bezos, etc)… Don’t look at the foreigners as different and the enemy… Look at the Rich and the Politicians (who want us to blame the foreigners)

  • And, tbh, in the first movie (ANH), Han surprised and flies up behind Darth Vader, the Dark Jedi lord and best pilot flying a military TIE fighter, in the Falcon, essentially a souped up semi truck of a space ship. He then proceeds to shoot his ass out of the sky, the Force be damned.

    Is it just me or is there something more going on here. That ship has some deep seated, Knight Rider, Herbie the Love Bug, strange magic going on.

    Han and Chewie are good… But just maybe the Falcon is gooder.