Thanks! I’ll bookmark that.
Thanks! I’ll bookmark that.
I have a lot of issues with Lemmy and more specifically how the fediverse will work with multiple copies of communities and the knee-jerk defederation. But, in terms of stability, content and quality, I feel like it has been getting better. I’m willing to give it some more time.
Still seems to be down. In Connect for Lemmy I get an error message that it is down for maintenance
In the United States.
Are you searching on the website or in Jerboa?
The search is a bit funny. If you’re on the website and search and if the community hasn’t been indexed by your instance, you won’t get it in the results. But, if you search with the url even though it doesn’t give results it will go and index the community. A few minutes later it will show up.
I don’t know if that works in Jerboa (android app)
I did that five times before remembering I had an old account on this instance that I could switch to to post the question and see what communities I used to be subscribed to.