This presupposes there is some music you stopped listening to after high school, Im with you, I still listen to a bunch of that stuff. Some not as often as others, but it brings back memories. I was a metal head though and there was a lot of great 90s metal.
Part 1 is the first act, somewhat expanded. The additions are pretty seamless and add a bit to the story. Its been a long time since I saw the play, but there is only one part I was sure wasn’t in the original
(A Cameo with Kristin Chenoweth and Idina Menzel)
If you are into the play you would probably like it. I went with my wife and daughters and they loved it. I found it enjoyable enough. As someone who isn’t super into the play, it was paced well, with some good comical elements.
reminds me of They Call Me Bruce
you should check this out too…
the pardon is for tax and gun charges, right? no drug charges?
at this point I don’t give a fuck, I just don’t want to hear the words “democrat” and “strategist” in the same sentence anymore.
its all about Maggot Twat
what is the mass arbitration lawsuit about? Is it, as dual_sport_dork’s article suggests, an antitrust lawsuit? If that is the case… I’d rather claw back the ability to sue directly (small claims, yay!). If valve is accused of something else Id love to hear about it.
I’m not a programmer but I have at least one double booking every day. Some weeks look like a brick wall sideways (they seem to always overlap by a half hour for some reason).
that would make someone a real bastard…
That’s why my favorite composer is Edgard Varèse
Damnit Christopher, why you gotta be all misogynist?
Id like to get their compound miter with the hinge but probably won’t use it enough to justify the cost.
He wanted to grok it?