♫ … Now don’t be sad, 'cause two out of three ain’t bad… ♫
♫ … Now don’t be sad, 'cause two out of three ain’t bad… ♫
And as a result there are 8 or 9 rivers called “Avon” in the UK…
I’ve heard various explanations, I don’t know how accurate the following is. I’d be interested to learn more:
the very earliest colony settlements had to bargain hard and with precision in order to survive. It began a contractual culture that eventually extended into litigation
due to high immigration from many differing backgrounds, disputes had to be settled in litigation rather than relying on social understanding
the religious culture was largely inherited from the Puritans who had a legalistic and inflexible reading of the new testament. (This unwillingness to compromise is why they were persecuted in Europe and fled to the new world)
the American identity is ‘invented’ (in the sense that’s it’s an abrupt mixing of many old world cultures) and so national identity was initially based on cerebral activities (the Constitution, Bill of Rights) rather than evolved from a very long history of social bonds found in old world ‘nations’. This required a cerebral precision to be at the heart of identity which easily extended to legal rights and relations
As I say, take with a pinch of salt. But this is the gist of what I’ve heard from people who know more than me.
Have you tried talking in only short amounts that require a response? That could narrow down the specific thing that made them not want to respond. If this is happening all the time with all sorts of people that’s unusual. In your example it’s hard to tell if they were overwhelmed with your talking style or if you offended them or if you missed all signs they were uncomfortable and they felt entitled to be rude to you (without saying) or if you just happen to be encountering people who feel that’s an ok thing to do and it doesn’t really have anything specifically to do with you. Lots of possibilities.
Me trying to do anything turns into a depth first search of all human knowledge
If you want to try an ‘old world’ replacement, the England v France rugby match from 8th Feb (part of the six nations tournament) was great
Ask him to define cooking any way he likes => point out preparing toast falls into that definition => beans on toast is cooking QED
What are the top signs someone’s having a stroke?
Are you not very bright?
It’s that after the wash cycle or after the drying? Pretty normal for towels that are heavy with water to be pinned to the drum after a high spin. But if they don’t then tumble off during drying (or are physically caught on something) then yeah something’s wrong. (You could just try a lower spin cycle)
There are plenty of portable second screens for laptops now. But it seems weird you can’t just hardwire a second laptop without having to resort to internet based screen sharing solutions.
I’m pretty sure in that case the sound alone would kill us…
If anything like this was ever done it’s more likely it would be independent drones flying ahead of the plane at its 10 and 2 o’clock
A Nokia 3310
Mlem for iPhone? Also free
Have you tried Boost (android)? It’s free and I haven’t found anything to complain about…
Really makes me wonder what cybernetics will look like in a hundred, a thousand(!) years. No-one can experience someone else’s consciousness. But if an artificial brain extension generated consciousness the same way we do and if it could be swapped between people safely. It might be the first time we have something saying, objectively, it has experienced being both of us in each of our brains and we see “red” the same way. The mind boggles…
Practically speaking since war is unthinkable is would result in as much economic isolation as Europe can bear. It would be the end of NATO. Almost immediately there’s be European voices saying ‘What’s the real harm?’ and other appeasers. I think the political lash back would only last 5-10 years as parties opposed would find the only tool at hand - economic punishment - to be unsustainable. It would legitimise nationalistic sentiments in Europe even further. Britain would, naturally, talk of betrayal but not be able to make any resistance of any substance.