I’m a man of culture.
Johto Pokemon Only.
My little brother in HS was a bottomless pit. He played sports and went to the gym for extracurricular activities he was downing at LEAST 6000 calories a day. It was a wonder to watch. Kept our fridge empty while he lived with us.
Orange. I like the warmth of it.
I’ve got a beginner 2 bay NAS set up with about 18TB for all my family’s media.
Pictures from our phones are also backed up in Google Photos. Not private at all but it works as an off site option.
The Coronetto Trilogy from Edgar Wright
-Shaun of the Dead
-Hot Fuzz
-The Worlds End
There’s a camp in the bushes behind our local bar. The bar is near a boat harbor as well so there’s water faucets where they usually shower. It’s a relatively small camp with about a dozen or so residents.
My In-Laws house has some BAD juju for sure.
-Had an uncle pass away in it
-Multiple pets run over in the driveway
-Bad experiences living there when we moved back home and we looking for a place
-Bonus Room flooded MULTIPLE due to MIL not understanding how retaining walls work.
Just a cursed place in general and I’m glad I’m nowhere near that house.
Napoleon Dynamite, loved that movie in High school and it’s been a comfort movie ever since. Funny and easily quotable, it’s a staple in my house.
I was in the “tie a knot” camp for YEARS. Laziness just moved me into reusing the bread bag clip.
There’s this one storefront where I live that’s basically unused for the year. But once Thanksgiving comes near the owner of the building will stock it with Christmas decorations and trees for the town to buy. Locally we just call it the Spirit Christmas version.
“You’re very handsome for an Asian man.” - My girlfriend’s mom
Just one of those that confirms someone’s biases.
Doing my taxes.
I absolutely LOVED Most Wanted.
My personal all time great is Burnout Paradise or the OG Gran Turismo because of the many hours I spent on that on the original PlayStation.
Definitely the API debacle.
Sync stopping development and switching to Lemmy brought me with it.
Content here is robust enough for me to mostly keep me off the other guy. Just been waiting for a few more niche communities to make their way over here to be perfect.
There’s a local burger place where I live that’s basically an In-N-Out without the branding. Excellent cheeseburgers. The owner even uses locally sourced beef so the burgers are pretty fresh.