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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I live in Finland and so the seasonal daylight varies from almost none in winter to always in summer. I got a smart socket connected to my grow lamps for all my plants. I used to have an analogue timer that I would have to keep changing the times on as the season progressed. The smart one now turns on when my alarm goes off in the morning and turns off an hour after sunrise, turns on again an hour before sunset and turns off at bedtime.

    No messing about anymore, it’s one less thing to worry about.

  • Evil_incarnate@lemm.eetolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldSecurity
    2 months ago

    Just hijacking a discussion about security. I would think that Linux users would be more security conscious. But I found in my buildings trash a bunch of HDDs, some 1TB and a 5TB, so I took them to see if they were ok (and recycle properly if not).

    All ext4 formatted and with lots of personally identifiable information including emails and photos and stuff.

    The previous owner was an early Linux dev, wrote stuff that is still in the kernel. Yet unencrypted drives just thrown in the trash.

    I’ve cleared the drives and now use them for myself, after I searched for a wallet.dat file.

  • Evil_incarnate@lemm.eetoNo Stupid Questions@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    3 months ago

    RAM is no longer relevant. QSG (Quantum Stacked Gates) is used for both RAM and file storage, being both near infinite (exabytes per gram) and near lightspeed to access. The NVIDIA QWVA (Quantum Wormhole Visual Actuliser) handles the rendering of Virtual Space to my GE neural lace (Perfected by GE after Musk’s bankruptcy). The “CPU” is a DQERISC (Decentralized Quantum Entangled RISC) array boasting 64k threads at the equivalent of 8.4PHz.

    Only been used off world though, everyone on Earth just uses the Mesh, much faster.

    Running Arch with Linux kernel 69.420.9.99.999.999.9999.9999.372 (Linus said “Nice” when it got to 69.420, and died soon after so now it will always keep the same version number) btw.

  • Play with the settings before you start, if I want a relaxed play around, I’ll set competitors to zero, breakdowns to never and stuff.

    Then I’ll find a nice area with a few towns close by and connect them with roads. Then I put bus stops in the centre of the towns, the ones you put on a road. Between the towns, I put a depot and buy a bus. Then you have to tell the bus to go to each bus stop, and send it on its way.

    Then I have a basic income, and I look for industry and resources to truck around. Later I play with trains and ships and airports and supply chains and stuff. But I keep the busses going.

  • Evil_incarnate@lemm.eetoLinux@lemmy.mlI made a mistake **RESOLVED**
    5 months ago

    I recommend next time to use btrfs. With / and /home (at least) as separate subvolumes. Each subvolume will use the space it needs, and no more. If you have a 500Gb SSD with 300Gb in /home, and 20 in / they both have 180Gb they can use.

    And when you manage to fill the 500Gb, it’s easy to just add another drive to the volume.