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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • If you’re not having a good time, stop. Life is too short.

    If you’re still interested in using linux, LinuxMint or PopOs! are what most people would recommend to a new user, not Arch.

    Arch can be perfect for users with the time, knowledge, and effort to perfectly tailor things to suit their needs. They can make it perfectly efficient, without any excess.
    I just want to use my computer whenever I want it to work. I am fine with it having a few extra packages/applications that I might never use. I’ve being using linux as main (or only) operating system on/off for about 20 years, and I currently use Mint.

  • Lockdowns help highlight a lot of “just because it’s what you do, not because it’s actually good” things for people.
    Theatres are generally awful. They are really only good if you want to do an event as a group, and not one has a space big enough to host.

    The food costs too much, people make gross mouth noises when eating the expensive food, the seats aren’t comfortable, things aren’t clean, people talk, people pull out their bright phones, the sound levels are all over the place, you sometimes have a bad viewing angle, you pay a lot of money but still shown 20 minutes of ads at the start, you need to worry about things like bed bugs, you need to plan a specific time to go, people bring their kids to non-kid movies, going to the bathroom is awkward, colour balancing is all over the place, drunk/high people react in distractingly bad ways, and probably many more reasons.

  • that a large majority of Christians aren’t actually Christian

    Yes they are, Christian doesn’t mean “good person.” It mostly means someone who believes that a sinless god-man died, and now they get to go to heaven if they want to.

    With the old testiment being a different religion’s text, and the new testament being mostly made out of letters that people supposedly wrote to each other, you can make the Bible say basically anything you want it to. It’s not a consistent or coherent storyline.

  • Depends on the person.

    Even if you didn’t get injured, or sexually assaulted as part of “hazing”, or pick up a drug habit, playing a sport at a professional level will often ruin you.

    During high school you spend all of your non-school time training, so no after school job and your grades probably aren’t great.
    Then you get to university, where you play the sport without being paid, and you one again can’t really have a job or focus on your studies.
    Then you get drafted (or just hired for some league) into the sport, and you play until your body isn’t good enough anymore. You are then discarded with no job experience, no training, and possibly moving teams/cities every couple years so you don’t really have any non-sport contacts.

    If you get into a league that pays insanely well, you are likely fiscally fine. That’s like the NHL, or the NFL. If you only get into the CFL, the WHL, the “minors”, or you play in a women’s league or a sport that not enough people care about, you probably were not paid enough to survive once the game is over.

    So, what do you do with no job experience, no contacts, shrinking savings? You get a job that you can leverage your celebrity, like real estate or car sales, or something that you can also do if you have a criminal record or no CV, like roofing or landscaping.

    Edit: not that there is anything wrong with any of those jobs, but starting to learn a new job at 40 isn’t fun. Also, if your body isn’t in top-shape anymore, roofing and landscaping is brutal.