Bloody Beaker folk. Coming over here, rowing up the Tagus Estuary from the Iberian Peninsula in improvised rafts. Coming here with their drinking vessels. What’s wrong with just cupping up the water in your hands and licking it up like a cat?
Bloody Beaker folk. Coming over here, rowing up the Tagus Estuary from the Iberian Peninsula in improvised rafts. Coming here with their drinking vessels. What’s wrong with just cupping up the water in your hands and licking it up like a cat?
First they came for the Mancs, but I don’t live in Manchester…
Hey! This guys a phony!
Simpsons did it
It’s nothing to do with putin. It’s just greedy sociopaths are prepared to exploit the state the world finds itself in. They’ve always done it and always will it’s just the modern world is unique in that almost the entire population of the western world is the target of the exploitation this time around and the world will almost certainly never recover from the environmental damage that will continue to be done and accelerated while people are too busy fighting over DEI and trans rights.
The culture wars are a distraction to the great heist.
Destroy the economy, collapse any remaining faith in democracy, sell the nation to the highest bidder.
It’s going to be the biggest and most destructive form of disaster capitalism we’ve ever seen, mainly because they are the very people who are engineering the disaster in the first place.
The one run by someone who banned me from it for making a joke despite never even hearing of his instance, or the 3 people that use it before.
B is for Bergen-Belsen
Soviet propaganda actually pushed the narrative of heroic soldiers running toward the enemy while unarmed.
That is factually incorrect. Apart from conscripted civilian brigades and penal batallions, Soviet soldiers didn’t suffer from a lack of small arms or ammunition. What they lacked was fire support in the form of artillery pieces, tanks and aeroplanes.
The accurate parts of this scene are the lack of direction from officers and the NKVD blocking divisions. Other than that, this scene and this movie is laughable from a historical perspective.
Except for that brief period where you turned up 2 years late to the party and proceeded to take all of the credit. Yes.
Hitler was also whacked out of his mind on methamphetamine most of the time, just like this jackass
The moon looks awfully big, and angry, today
She’s clearly not a listerated pepsin gum girl
It’s just a saying, calm down.
It’s a thin line between celebrating indigenous cultures and heritage and exploiting it. The Washington Redskins being something I feel everyone can clearly see was over that line, but wearing a sombrero is clearly nowhere near it.
Don’t be silly, thongs have nothing to do with Australia, they were invented in the 19th Century by Frenchman Philippe Follope.