I think every meme community could use a little Katter to be honest.
For anyone requiring context, both of these men are federal parliament members in Australia.
Because he has 1980’s economic policy.
If I die, I die.
“Son, never trust a man who doesn’t drink because he’s probably a self-righteous sort, a man who thinks he knows right from wrong all the time. Some of them are good men, but in the name of goodness, they cause most of the suffering in the world. They’re the judges, the meddlers. And, son, never trust a man who drinks but refuses to get drunk. They’re usually afraid of something deep down inside, either that they’re a coward or a fool or mean and violent. You can’t trust a man who’s afraid of himself. But sometimes, son, you can trust a man who occasionally kneels before a toilet. The chances are that he is learning something about humility and his natural human foolishness, about how to survive himself. It’s damned hard for a man to take himself too seriously when he’s heaving his guts into a dirty toilet bowl.“ - James Crumley
I wonder if celebrities have ever reported the navy seal copy pasta to police believing it’s a legitimate threat.
yawn let me guess you have over three hundred confirmed kills?
I’m certain they did, but the main page of vine was curated by humans at some point. It was organic for a moment in time or at least gave that appearance.
Except that Vine did allow videos longer than 6 seconds.
I was big into Vine. Like it was the only thing I cared about for a period of time.
I wonder how many lemmings understand this is a Beach Boys reference.
Do they still get a lot of radio play in the USA?
I hope you’re correct. I just don’t fully believe it.
Hmmmm I also frequent white supremacist sympathising discord and my general take away is that they are more desperate and more willing to take violent action to align reality with their views.
Of course this is only anecdotal so it’s kind of a moot point.
I’d be more confident in your opinion if there wasn’t a prevailing view that America will reelect Trump.
If trump isn’t elected it may not even stop fascism though.
Hitler was jailed before he rose to power, trump could very easily do the same. If I’m going to be optimistic about anything it’s the fact that Trump is very old and may not survive prison or the presidency for an extended period.
If Modi, Trump, La Pen, Orban aren’t elected/reelected perhaps I’d change my view but I don’t have good reasons for thinking those things won’t happen.
If you believe that if those people are elected and it won’t lead to more fascism then I’m not sure what to say.
If they ever secure power my fate is basically sealed. I’ve accepted that.
It’s not slippery slope to be clear eyed about reality.
How old do you think I am?
I’m ancient by Lemmy standards.
Age has made me more aware that most adults have no idea what they are doing but think they actually do by virtue that they’ve survived to their 40’s and beyond. This makes them incredibly dangerous.
No things wont be fine. At least for me and many others anyway.
I’m sorry you can’t see that yet.
There is an underclass of angry, often white, men who are frustrated at their life and instead of directing their rage at the capitalist system, which is responsible for the position they are in, they’ve been told immigrants, socialism, feminism, LGBTQIA+ and brown people are the problem.
They are now organising to make their fictional narrative reality and I will be crushed when this happens along with millions of others, like you, who thought this could never happen again.
The tragedy is that those same men who think they’ll be empowered by fascists will be swept aside the moment they are no longer useful. They are victims to an extent too, just that they will have enacted violence and terror while being wrong.
Thanks for this, reading now.
I’ve also been busy reading the history of the rise of the Nazi party particularly the SA.
It’s scary (scary is not a strong enough word for the combined emotions of frustration, anger, fear, anxiety) how close current USA events are replicating the original rise of Nazi Germany.
I talk to people online who hate immigrants because they are ‘ruining their town’ and they want to make sure their town is ‘kept in their hands’ and when I call them racist for saying that an African shop hand is incompetent because they can’t speak English they can’t accept it.
They don’t see themselves as racist, sexist, homophobic or fascist.
They’ve unhinged from reality.
I’ve read it.
Orwell was socialist my dude.
Ever read one of his other books Down and Out in Paris and London?
It helps explain why he is a socialist.