That doesn’t even look like Reagan. Looks more like Regis Philbin.
That doesn’t even look like Reagan. Looks more like Regis Philbin.
“Down” was awesome.
My favorite horseshoe crab fact is that they have like nine different types of eyes. Even that tail is basically one big eye, covered in photoreceptive cells. We love to call them “primitive” but in fact those fuckers are highly developed pieces of biotechnology, able to survive 400 million years finding food in mud.
Republicans for decades have targeted people with a 5th grade reading level. Trump’s main “innovation” was targeting a 3rd grade reading level.
Seems like a situation rife with abuse.
Just like leetcode - where you’re helping train the AI that will replace you while not getting a job.
Long ago (mid-90s) I had a coworker who was one of the last people alive who knew still how to program Cyborg, a 1970s-era programming/database platform that was still a legacy platform for a lot of companies. His job entailed making very small changes to the codebase and then waiting literally hours (sometimes days) for the shit to compile. He ended up being able to work from home for three different companies concurrently, making $300 an hour from each company. $7200 per day for about 15 minutes of actual work - while living in rural Texas.
At my last job I managed a team of coders in Bangalore. They absolutely always wanted instructions vocally because then there would be no written record of what I actually told them to do.
For me the creepiest thing about ancient critters was the first emergence of shelled animals. The shells mean that there were other critters swimming around eating up all the non-shelled animals, but there isn’t any trace remaining of these early predators so we have no idea at all about what they looked like.
I think he was a Salamanca.
He was also the exact opposite of the other stereotype of the “lazy Mexican” - which, for anyone who’s ever worked construction with actual Mexicans, is comically inaccurate.
Breakfast in real life: “why did I toast both poptarts?”
The “hero” is an incompetent jerk who constantly screws up and relentlessly bullies his most loyal friend who is vastly more competent in every way.
It’s hilarious how much this was based on Bob Vila and Norm Abram from This Old House - although the contrast between Vila and Abram was much more severe.
I thought the first panel showed him with moobs until I realized those were his crossed arms.
I have two half-Thai cousins who live in Florida (natch) and they are flagrant white supremacists and anti-immigration, despite having been born to a Thai immigrant who only recently became a US citizen. For bonus points, one of them happens to look generically Central American and the other looks Japanese, so they got lots of shit growing up for being a variety of different races. You would think that might have made them sensitive to people on the receiving end of racism, but nope - I guess it just taught them how to do it.
should we be using APIs?
Nah, it’s a fad.
I’m a programmer. In 2010 I had a boss come up to me and tell me we should start using APIs. He had just read an article about how APIs were the next big thing. Fortunately he had a short attention span and soon wandered off and never mentioned APIs again, and I was able to get back to work on the awesome Blackberry app I was writing.
What am I doing with my life?
Helping to train our replacements.
I have a coworker who insists that global warming is a hoax because plants give off oxygen, not carbon dioxide. Can’t even get a foothold in that kind of stupid.
Or better yet, get someone to help you quit.
Every time I see a pic of Marjorie The Gathering, I’m reminded of the best description of her I’ve ever read: that she looks like a serial killer who is wearing a victim’s face.