Proof by assertion, ‘noice’
Proof by assertion, ‘noice’
Proof by assertion is apparently fine though
Monopolies are forbidden in (functioning) capitalist economies, they are not an assured result.
By who? God?
Plus the documented failure of planned economies, leading to famines and mass deaths.
Most communist revolutions led to massive increase in life expectancy and a massive reduction in hunger. That’s just a empirical fact.
Damn, who would have thought that a system where power comes from holding capital, the laws favor those who hold capital.
Why would capitalists, who run the system under capitalism, choose to regulate themselves?
What exactly are they supposed to learn? You haven’t actually presented any argument or reason, you’ve just gotten really really performativly agree at the idea of people believing differently to you
Rome wasn’t a state, and it lasted for many centuries. Don’t try to pretend by “doesn’t work for long” you were talking about geological time or something
So when you said “that kinda thing never works for long” you were referencing to any state? I think history has proven you wrong on that one, champ.
What year do you think it is?
I’m not the one making up jingoist conspiracy theories to avoid having to confront the real problems
Americans try not to scapegoat foreigners for their own domestic problems challenge (impossible).
That is indeed the two sides depicted in the meme
Lol. No. Wikipedia didn’t exist in 1989. Please learn what sources actually are, rather than doing the usual shitlib thing of assuming that Wikipedia is like the gold tablets of Joseph Smith; a divine font of perfect knowledge straight from God.
and thousands of civilians (including a lot of bystanders) were dead before tank man did his thing.
Source: it came to me in a dream
Capitalism can’t even exist without the state to enclose the commons and maintain and enforce the legal framework of private property.
I mean we both know I’m talking about specific acts of political violence
Yes, which was my point. These definitions always have some implicit carve out exception to allow the kind of political violence that the person giving them agrees with to “not count”.
To be clear what makes it authoritarian is when it’s the state/government/leadership that is using acts of violence against citizens with political ideas that would threaten their power.
This would include collecting taxes, enforcing national borders, enforcing private property, all gun control measures, suppressing domestic terrorists and militias, implementing a particular voting system and then enforcing the result, conscription, and indeed, enforcing the concept of “citizen” vs “non-citizens” in the first place. But, again, you’ve cut out an expectation for political violence you agree with already.
And tankies get the name specifically from either defending or denying that specifically the Soviet Union used violence to suppress attempts to leave their union.
And here’s yet another post-hoc definition of tankie that does not actually line up with how anybody uses the term. Or are you willing for me to ping you to chime in every time someone calls me a tankie for something that has nothing to do with the USSR keeping Soviets in the union (incidently, there isn’t a country on earth that will willing let parts of it leave.)
and hexbear has decided accusing people of being anti-trans is their move, but those are simply strawmen, and really poorly constructed ones at that.
Sounds like you’re a transphobe who got called out.
You consider tankies to be people who have actually dug into the sources and done enough research to come to their own conclusion rather than just accepting the cold war narrative without question?
Oh my God, get over yourself