Fair. But to a sysadmin or devops engineer availability is pretty important.
Yup. I’m Bo7a.
Fair. But to a sysadmin or devops engineer availability is pretty important.
I smoked a pack a day for roughly 30 years. My night time breathing was getting ugly and my wife would sometimes get woken up by the sound of my wheezing.
Every method of quitting failed me except vaping. I started as most do with a high nicotine vape juice that tasted like tobacco, but after about a month I swapped and started going lower and lower nicotine and change the flavor from tobacco to a custardy type.
2 months of that got me off the cigs. Two more months got me down to zero nicotine. Two or three more months after that I was done.
I have been off cigs for 7 years.
My breathing no longer feels wet or difficult at night. And My yearly health tests all come back the same as a non-smoker.
Do you happen to know the brand? I’ve been looking for plugs to reduce wind noise without also cancelling out the sound of my motorcycle.
All of you writing cogent arguments and being philosophical should step back and realize this whole thread is an unpaid advertisement for amazon subscription groceries written by someone who thinks they were saved by a job there.
Believing this tripe is what causes some people to not bother trying to improve the only actual life we have here on this planet. Comforting lies do not help.
I feel this - I’m often on the other end working with data from clinicians in the field for massive studies. The forms that come in can have an infinite number of possibilities just for noting sex. Enough so that our semantic layer needs a human reviewer because we keep finding new ways field clinicians have of noting this. Now imagine that over the whole gamut of identifiers.
tl:dr - Humans are almost always the problem in data harmonization.
Thankfully they are alive and doing quite well in our little forest home in Quebec, Canada. Of all the places I used to see them as a kid almost none are still vibrant and busy, but our little corner of forest here has a good population. For now…
Checkout Earth if you haven’t - Earth- Hex, or printing the infernal method
Check out amigo the devil - Half his songs are this subject matter. And he is VERY good.
Soft Play - Punk’s Dead
15+ years working remote. I only turn my camera on when there are new vendors/clients on the call and it is my turn to introduce myself.
Ba dum tiss
Them: “nah”
Post it!
Then go draw something and post it.
Or an ant-man themed suppository?
true, but also – 46