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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • if it’s useful to you, then why not use it?

    I think arguments can be made to avoid using something even if it’s useful to you. For example, burning fossil fuels is useful for humans, but it will destroy our ability to live on this planet. Of course the pros and cons have to be weighed in every situation. But in regards to the (granted, rhetorical) question about why not to use it, I’m sure valid answers could be given.

  • I did use sources as a big point, but it’s because it’s the easiest to see. Even if we are having a conversation that’s opinion based, a lot of the conversation can be misinterpreted just because of different world views.

    I think just about everyone wants what’s best for everyone, but different people see the solution to that differently. What is the “best” for someone? In what areas of their life? Burning fossil fuels offers a lot of jobs, but doing so destroys the planet. Except some argue that it isn’t destroying the planet, and that we’re being lied to. But let’s assume it climate change is real, if one side is saying we need to do away with fossil fuels because it’s destroying our planet, the other side may hear that they want to take away their source of income (how they put a roof over their head, feed their family, enjoy life). And within that conversation, there can be innumerable amount of different understandings based on the people you grew up around, that I can’t even really list examples because it’s too nuanced.

    If you want to talk about abortion, the debate is really about when the fetus is a human. It is generally agreed that killing a 1 year old baby, for any reason (financial struggles, the child was the conception of rape, unplanned) that killing a 1 year old child is not okay, regardless of your pro or anti abortion stance. So then you’d be arguing when does the life cross that threshold to definitely not okay? Is it at birth? In which case was the day before it born okay to kill it? Most aren’t okay with late term abortion, but everyone has the line they think it’s okay (with some the line is before the egg is fertilized). Not many people are upset if someone takes a plan B (some people are, but they’re the minority), so stopping the process that early is fine. So then the line would be somewhere between the two, and that’s an extraordinarily complex subject for people without medical degrees to try and discuss (and complex for even those with medical degrees). But of course there’s the aspect of it being the choice of the mother, since it’s the mothers body. In which case you could instead talk about the (obviously) flawed scenario: while you’re sleeping, someone is hooked up to you as a dialysis machine. You wake up to find this was done to you. They need to be connected to you for 9 months to live, and if you disconnect them at any point you will kill them. Is it okay for you to pull the plug? Honestly, I think there’s a lot of valid arguments for either side for that scenario, and both people could be totally right. Both parties have to accept the fact that the other person’s viewpoint has validity to have a peaceful political discussion, but it’s difficult when your own viewpoint makes you feel that they are killing people, or stripping others of basic human rights. Then you get emotional, you become irrational, and you get angry at the other person. It’s just all to likely to happen, we are emotional creatures after all, not machines. And once you start getting irrational, you become more set on your current viewpoint, less likely to hear what they are actually saying, and more likely to misinterpret what they are trying to convey.

    This is just two examples of highly controversial topics, but they’re controversial because there’s nuance to it. To be on the same page about all the different parts of the topic is nearly impossible. Not to mention we already have opinions on a lot of it. I’m guessing several people reading this feel inclined to share their opinion on some of the things I said. I don’t think there is anything any online platform can do to have an entirely open discussion. To leave it entirely open for anyone means there will be tension, insults, anger, and whatever else. If you get a few people that can restrain their emotions to have a logical discussion and actually hear what others are saying, you could do it, but then it’s not an open discussion.

  • Bazoogle@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    10 months ago

    I said it gives the appearance of something

    You said you feel that people are either lazy or unknowledgeable based on how they write. I am saying that is an unsympathetic feeling to conclude based on someone’s writing.

    It’s like they just typed whatever popped into their head without any consideration of how to convey it.

    Your personal feeling is that this is a bad thing, I assume. I am challenging you to view it differently.

    the reading experience should be considered

    What about the writers experience? Why aren’t you considering them? My point is that everything you say about the writer in regards to their poor English, or thoughts not being fully fleshed out, can be interpreted differently than your initial view.

    I didn’t comment on emoji use, but rather just the assumptions you made based on someone’s English. Though I understand why you mentioned it, since the thread is about Emoji use.

  • Bazoogle@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    10 months ago

    Intelligence comes in more forms than just written language. Words can express emotion, but so can dance, painting, singing, even a glance can express so much. Why do you think it needs to stop at emoji’s? Your inability to understand what they are saying with that emoji is not a failure of the emoji, but your ability to interpret it. That’s like saying dancing doesn’t convey emotion because you don’t know what it is they are trying to convey. Perhaps you just need to learn more ways of expressing emotions?

  • Bazoogle@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    10 months ago

    Alright, I don’t want to sound offensive, but maybe work on not being so obtuse. You need to think about other people more. Maybe that has some relation to it? When a person really can’t stop and think about other people and why they might not have the most fluent internet posts, I feel like the other person is either lazy, or doesn’t know how to stop and think about how big the world is.

    Of course, this applies to me. I don’t know who you are or what you’ve gone through, but I thought it would be a taste of your own medicine. People write in a lot of different ways than yours. And while there are a lot of correct and incorrect rules to English, there are not so many correct ways to communication. You (and I) type the way we were taught in English class. But just because someone else does not, does not make their typing wrong. It’s not like they’re going to get a grade for it. If you understood what they said, then it seems like a job well done.

    And even if you CAN’T understand what they said or it doesn’t make sense, you shouldn’t assume someone is lazy. While English is the most spoken language, it is not the most spoken native language. Such a massive portion of English speakers have a non-English native language, and so so many are learning. Or maybe they aren’t learning, and that’s okay too. Or maybe they’re young. Maybe they’re developmentally disabled. Or maybe they just don’t want to think so hard on a stupid internet post. Whatever the reason, stop and think about all the possible reasons they typed like that. I’m sure you can come up with quite a few, and one of them might even be right.


    especially when it’s poorly written I feel like the person either is lazy or doesn’t know what they’re writting.


  • I could see this being possible, but it seems like mlg meant something different. They were talking about letting off the clutch before taking your foot off the brake. Your solution seems applicable in more cars, but not universally applicable in any situation. I could definitely see this being a pain for a long light, though.

  • While it’s fair to say you may be more effective with floss picks, string floss overall is more effective, and could be for you as well with practice. There is a much greater range of motion with string floss, and you can actually wrap it around your teeth and get close to your gums. I don’t imagine this comment will change your flossing habits, and using floss picks is better than not flossing (for your oral hygiene) but I wouldn’t use your anecdotal evidence to suggest other people switch to picks or use picks before normal string floss. Not saying you do recommend it, but idk how others would interpret your personal preference as a recommendation.