Hmmmm, where can I find these?
You don’t think the N64 wasn’t innovative with the analog stick ON THE CONTROLLER? I was a dumb kid who thought arcade joysticks couldn’t fit on a controller so that’s why we used DPADS 😭. Seeing a joystick the size the tip of my finger was crazy for the time.
Pretty much agree with everything you said. A VR Printer Console sounds so dope though 😂. I can ironically see something like that being made. Idk how it’d work, but count me in
I feel like handheld PCs are a serious threat to Xbox & PS rather than the Switch simply because of Nintendos exclusives. But Handheld PCs offer a far cheaper alternative to entry level PC gaming with tremendous ease of use.
That’s a good way at looking At it
Agreed, consoles will never be able to compete with PC in terms of power. So a gimmick really helps.
I disagree. Just by going off margins of past elections the last decade. Dems tend to have more loyal voters in non presidential years.
Because imma bad boy 😎
Illegally cross the border into Canada or Mexico and try to get citizenship before they deport you back.
That’s how my friend is about this. She wants feel attractive and make some extra change at the same time.
WM23/28 are the most bought PPVs in wrestling history…
Oh you ate that
Wow, that stretch from 2010 - 2015 must’ve been brutal before streaming popped off.
That’s great insight from someone on the ground with type of stuff. Do you think the GOP is gonna attempt to do it Federally again?
Colorado does not have Right to Work
Oh, thank you for informing me. So it’s actually the labels screwing everyone else over?
Listeners have gone up?
Spotify is pushing AI generated music now!? Do they have no damn shame? These platforms and labels are NOTHING without the artist.
Whoa 😂, I thought that was just a joke