Wait until Corporate sees the new data storage rates for 365 for next year and their potential new bill for cloud storage.
They’ll be spinning up those server room file servers in no time.
Wait until Corporate sees the new data storage rates for 365 for next year and their potential new bill for cloud storage.
They’ll be spinning up those server room file servers in no time.
Until the directory structure and filename, including your SharePoint hostname, exceeds 400 characters and then it just breaks. Because, Microsoft.
Surprisingly easy to do with some quite nested folders with spaces in the names (as that takes 3 characters per space) and a long filename.
Colourblind isn’t the complete absense of colour, e.g. everything looks black and white. With deuteranomaly, you are the actual textbook definition of colourblindness… There are different levels of it, but all can still perceive colour - it’s just whether the difference in colour of the spectrum is detected correctly.
Deuteranomaly (/ie) is the reduction in reactivity of the red-colour receptors. That means your perception of orange/red/brown is less than those with normal vision.
For those with normal vision, this is a great chart. But, if you’re colourblind, it’ll be more confusing for you, sorry!
Yes, our 365 team got estimates from Microsoft about 3 weeks ago.
If we don’t cull our usage before next August, our renewal will be £1m more than this year… That’s for 70,000 accounts and a whole lotta SharePoint.