It could even be a youtube video or movie that you don’t think anyone reading this has heard of besides you.

    7 months ago

    The Farmers Daughter. It was a text-based video game for the C=64 similar to Zork.

    The premise was that you are a traveling lightening salesman whose car breaks down. You stop at a farmhouse to use their phone, and the beautiful daughter answers the door.

    Your mission is to try to bang her. If the farmer catches you, he shoots you with his shotgun. If her brothers catch you, they’ll analy rape you to death. You need condoms but they are stuck to the shelf.

    7 months ago

    I got this. Someone, please prove me wrong. I’ll PayPal you $82.76 if you find this.

    There’s a cartoon from the 80s (could be late 70snor early 90s) called Howard The Duck.

    You’ll never find it, because of the wildly popular movie bearing the same name.

    The “Howard the duck” I’m referring to was a cartoon movie that was about a Mallard duck who got separated from his flock while they were migrating south for the winter.

    Howard finds himself in NYC for the winter, where he spends time with rats and frogs. They show him around NYC via the sewers.

    There’s a scene where they’re beneath the world trade center and Howard and the frog marvel at is enormity. Then, the frog reminds Howard that “Nothing lasts forever; especially in New York.” (This is an exact quote, sparing punctuation.)

    The VHS I had ended with a music video by some band with the word “dogs” (junk yard dogs? Something like that) in their band name. The music video was trippy AF. There was barking in the song. The visuals were mostly patterns of colorful circles.

    Like, this sounds like a fever dream, but if you’ve seen it and can locate it, it will make sense. I swear.

    My memory is shit but I’d describe the art style as watercolor. Animated watercolor. Fro the 80s. So, yeah. Sorry.

    Fuck it. $20.

    Fuckit 2: 4 payments of $20.69

    7 months ago

    It was a game for PC around the year 2000, I don’t even know the name of it. I’ve been searching for it for years. It’s a point and click adventure game.

    The premise is your spaceship breaks down on an alien planet. If you try to repair the ship immediately a giant alien spider will come and kill you.

    After searching for a while you end up making friends with one of the aliens and sneak around one of the villages looking for parts.

    I never made it past that point.

    I highly doubt anyone will know what this is, I’ve tried multiple times on that reddit sub for games people can’t remember.

      7 months ago

      This sounds like Space Quest. Have a look at this excerpt from a walkthrough and see if it sounds familiar:

      "After escaping the Arcada before its destruction you crash land on the planet Kerona. Before you do anything “take off seatbelt”. Look at the pod and “take kit”. This is your survival kit. Look kit and you will find an Xenon army knife and dehydrated water.

      “Get out” and walk to the front of the pod. “Take glass”. This is reflective glass that we’ll need later on.

      Walk to the right three screens and then take the path that leads up. Follow the path all the way around over a bridge that will crack as you walk on it. A spider droid will drop to the ground at some stage. Just ignore it for now. There are two pillars at the end of the path. Stand between them and you’ll be lowered into the earth by a secret elevator."

      Check out some screenshots along w/ the rest of the walkthrough here:

    7 months ago

    Either windows 95 or 98 I used to play this game my mom set up for me but doesn’t remember. Now she needs my help to plug in a USB cable but somehow has a job that uses software and procedures too complicated for me… Anyway I can remember if it was entirely this or just part of it, but the memorable part was the sliding puzzles, like the ice caves in Pokemon. The character might have had skates or something but it’s a vague memory that could be wrong.

    7 months ago

    Anna and the appolypse, it’s a fantastic zombie musical with insanely good songs. I have never met anyone in the real world or online who have heard of it (except a few who I forced to watch with me).

      7 months ago

      I watched it and I did not like it, but it is probably that I went into it with the wrong expectations. The entire premise of “musical about a zombie apocalypse” sounded a bit goofy to me and the trailer had the same mood, so I expected a comedy, or at least something a bit tongue in cheek. Instead, the movie is a total downer.