Varia is a new, open-source download manager for Linux based on Aria2, a powerful command-line download utility. As the user interface is built with GTK 4
I’m an Arch user, so before I come across as disingenuous, I need to clarify that I just like to stick with ‘pacman’ as much as possible so that my install stays as “clean” as possible. Most of the time If I can’t find something in pacman I can get it in the AUR. “Varia” isn’t found in the AUR yet and in such cases I’ll go to github and install it from there.
Interesting that my interpretation of a clean install is that there are as little packages messing with each other on the main install.
Therefor an immutable distro is very good in this regard.
Moreover, for a clean systme I prefer flatpaks. Packages that aren’t available are installed via distrobox. Only system applications are allowed to mess with each other.
A download manager isn’t that close to the metal that I’d prefer installing it directly. Flatpak all the way.
I’m an Arch user, so before I come across as disingenuous, I need to clarify that I just like to stick with ‘pacman’ as much as possible so that my install stays as “clean” as possible. Most of the time If I can’t find something in pacman I can get it in the AUR. “Varia” isn’t found in the AUR yet and in such cases I’ll go to github and install it from there.
Interesting that my interpretation of a clean install is that there are as little packages messing with each other on the main install. Therefor an immutable distro is very good in this regard. Moreover, for a clean systme I prefer flatpaks. Packages that aren’t available are installed via distrobox. Only system applications are allowed to mess with each other. A download manager isn’t that close to the metal that I’d prefer installing it directly. Flatpak all the way.