Are there any celebrities that are confirmed to be using lemmy?

I know celebs have used Reddit, have any followed us to Lemmy that are confirmed. For example I know Adam from mythbusters was an active redditor or Arnold Schwarzenegger etc. Do we know if any have came along with us

    11 months ago

    Some of the other shit like the appropriate age thing is valid, but you can’t give him shit for the #metoo statement though because the news has created a scary place for men that are sexually active.

    This is 100% incorrect. Men don’t feel unsafe approaching women because of the MeToo movement. Only incels and rapists are concerned, and they should be.

    The fact that other men are parroting this tired bullshit is ridiculous.

    No, it’s not any more unsafe for men now than it was before MeToo. False accusations of sexual assault and rape haven’t skyrocketed. It’s not a thing. So stop spreading misinformation.

      11 months ago

      100% incorrect

      That’s not 100% incorrect because I actually know people like this. Yes it does not apply to everyone but to ignore that it has affected normal men to some capacity would be ridiculous.

      Keep in mind that I’m not saying there is anything wrong with #metoo itself, I think it is an awesome movement that helps put power in the hands of victims, I am simply stating that there are people who are not victims that abuse the movement for attention or financial gain which have hurt innocent PEOPLE, not just men. Everything good will always have a downside, that is just how it is.