Systematically unfair system requires us to continue unchanged to the advantage of an incredibly small number dbags who own everything already, ‘cuz they have all the money to invest’. Good critical thought dude.
Oh don’t get me wrong, it’s a thoroughly unjust system. That is just their argument for perpetuating it. (I could definitely have phrased it better)
And I also believe it’s rigged.
Which means that the only way to win is to break the rules, or play a different game, which sounds more ominous than intended. But I do believe we need to do away with capitalism, or the very least capitalists. Either the $1 billion “you win” cap, or just a wholly different way of economic organisation. Other options are available, but few are as civil.
Systematically unfair system requires us to continue unchanged to the advantage of an incredibly small number dbags who own everything already, ‘cuz they have all the money to invest’. Good critical thought dude.
Oh don’t get me wrong, it’s a thoroughly unjust system. That is just their argument for perpetuating it. (I could definitely have phrased it better)
And I also believe it’s rigged.
Which means that the only way to win is to break the rules, or play a different game, which sounds more ominous than intended. But I do believe we need to do away with capitalism, or the very least capitalists. Either the $1 billion “you win” cap, or just a wholly different way of economic organisation. Other options are available, but few are as civil.