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Original still created by @gedogfx (IG). Title source: “Inkl”

Edit: I’m not on any other social media platforms, so feel free to share this elsewhere if you want

    2 months ago

    To give you some context on at least one downvote.

    I have been homeless like proper homeless sleeping on a metal chair with a backpack outside my college for weeks using the gym to shower and working 3 jobs to afford the basic idea of the American dream of going to college and nothing else. I spent most of my childhood hungry as my incubator spent all money on her vices.

    I ended up fleeing the country via a work program that basically made me an indentured servant for a few years while I tried to get my life together in a way where I didn’t want it to end anymore.

    You speak for a lot of people you don’t know when you say sweeping statements about the audience to who you are talking to.
    But also with that said I bet most of the down votes are still people who have not lived a life nearly that rough and think that renting is an equal level of poor and don’t want to hear it.