Party was canceled because my grandpa died
Party was canceled because my grandpa died
Maybe, but in this case the Supreme Court is sitting beside him holding his hand while he drives all of us into the Grand Canyon
I’m checking a microwave for leaks, how did the C4 even get in here?
Uh, what’s autogenocide?
Airplanes. Like I get that we can make them stay up, but we can steer them?? Across entire continents and oceans? What the entire fuck
All of the ones for fandoms I’m in. Probably going to stare longingly at r/gallifrey later tonight
Film Reroll
With all our technology we still haven’t found a viable replacement for “yo dog I heard you like x”. Our ecosystem suffers from this unfilled niche. The time for deextinction is now.
Still hoping for that future that’s borderless and red and queer and bold.
Because that’s not how ideology works.
How are you supposed to be gay with no feelings
Great Uncle Mac lived to 102
based based based based
Well, if it’s not a post-apocolyptic hellscape I’m going to assume that someone figured something out.
I mean, considering the fact that it’s been days and he hasn’t recanted and that he has a history of supporting far right parties like the AfD, no
Life-long Chicagoan, leftist in that I complain on the internet a lot.
Everyone I followed on Twitter left for Bluesky