Cha Hae-in’s deal continues to be mysterious considering how little she’s done with all the screentime she gets (besides provide cringy fanservice). I was initially thinking she might be another Player but her dislike of the smell of hunters raises the possibility that she’s either a magical beast herself (perhaps summoned by some hunter’s skill) or has some class that uses monster abilities like a blue mage or something.
You can answer honestly but it’s a greeting, not an invitation to take over the whole conversation to talk about yourself.
Them: “How are you doing”
You: “Pretty bad to be honest, but I’m hanging in there”
And from there you either get:
Them: “I’m sorry to hear that I hope it gets better”
You: “Thanks”
Them: “So I wanted to ask about your TPS reports…”
Or :
Them: “Oh no, what’s going on?”
You: “Well I’m having a lot of mental health issues…”
If you’re considering buying keys from shady resellers just pirate the game instead. A lot of those keys are bought using stolen CC info and end up getting charged back which leaves the devs having to pay processing fees.
Also Humble is a retailer not a reselller, they get their keys directly from the publishers or developers of the game, they don’t resell keys they bought from someone else.
It seemed to me that all the S-classes had the ability to sense magical power.
Are Anime Husbandos the secret to fixing male immortal loneliness?
I think I love this show.
Who smokes in room full of ancient scrolls and priceless artifacts?
A spore print is an easy test anyone can do that will keep you from mixing up Amanita (destroying angel) and Agaricus (meadow mushroom). If the spores are cold brown like dark chocolate it’s an Agaricus, if they’re pinkish white it’s an Amanita.
It’s not like they’re that similar-looking either
It’s a good thing the mold they found in the tomb wasn’t harmful to people with a well functioning immune system or else spending hours studying samples there with no PPE would have been really stupid.
Ah I was hoping someone would have a better idea, thanks!
The point about the contents of the vault having mostly sentimental value may have gone over better if not for the pile of gold in there.
I love that she inadvertently fixed the sexist damsel in distress character just by pointing out that she could have agency (and giving her a role model).
I assume Serval Cat Mask was inspired by Kinnikuman as that’s the only pro-wrestling anime I know of and the moves looked pretty similar.
Not the most interesting episode but we learned a little more about the world:
One thing I’m still not sure about is whether the izakaya Dennosuke visits is a real place in the world, a real place outside the world, or a construct of his mind.
Delicious in Dungeon is intended to be shortened to “D in D” which is meant to sound like D&D or Dungeons and Dragons.
It seems like the point of this show is to give MAPPA animators the opportunity to take their shot at a bunch of classic anime scenes. Episode 1 they did the giant warrior from Nausicaa and episode 2 is a Macross missile massacre.
The plot interesting enough so far, while this show did turn out to be an isekai, at least it’s an old-school “learn a lesson” isekai and not a pointless power fantasy in a video-gamey world like the recent inescapable trend.
I love the “We’ll need some time to consider your offer, thank you for meeting with us” response to the Ogre king being unreasonable. I knew Japanese businessmen have the most polite methods of telling you to fuck off so it was really interesting to have an explanation of the reasoning behind it.
I’m enjoying this series so far, here’s hoping it stays focused on effective business strategies and less on Harem nonsense. So far Dennosuke is staying professional and oblivious to Urmander’s obvious crush on him which is pretty funny so maybe that will be the running gag.
Really uncool of her to induce an epileptic seizure on two standing patients to prove a point.
Nope, it’s the new dub where they use the Japanese character names. It’s weird to watch if you’ve got strong memories of the old dub.
Thanks for responding, I can definitely see your point that it wouldn’t be the best for some new Linux users.
However, speaking from my perspective as a new Linux user: all I wanted was an OS that I could use to play my steam library with little fuss and Bazzite delivered exactly what I wanted. I have no desire to make big changes and everything went perfectly fine. Steam and Firefox were already installed, the only other thing I needed was Discord which was easy to find in the appstore-like GUI.
Bazzite is definitely something I would recommend to new Linux users who are like me, folks who never bothered with Linux before the steam deck proved Linux gaming was viable without needing to learn Linux. There’s literally nothing I want to do with my PC that didn’t work out of the box. I didn’t even need to install any drivers like I would on windows.
“Farinaceous” is the term used in mycology for mushrooms that have a grain-like smell/taste.