• 2 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: April 9th, 2024


  • Reminder that if you could digest lactose after being an infant but started being unable to at some point, you probably can “reverse” it by feeding on unhealthy amounts of milk and other lactose containing dairy products for like a week and your gut biome will adapt to digesting it again.

    Source: Like three random YouTube videos I watched 5 months ago but also myself. Avoiding all lactose just reduces your lactase production further so currently I try to drink milk 1-2x a week to keep the cooldown topped up.

  • I only have these categories

    • Based: Will play these games over and over. Most of the stay installed
    • Couch co-op: For when friends are coming over and I quickly can pull up my selection of playable games
    • Need to finish: Things I already played at least halfway through, I’ll never give up hope booti g them up again but most of the time I just buy a new game when I’m bored lol

    Games I am currently playing are at the top of “recent” anyway. And if I am done with a game I probably won’t play again, I set it as hidden.