Chinese people can be racist af. Source: am 華人
Chinese people can be racist af. Source: am 華人
Sean Bean: meh, rookie.
I don’t think therapy can help everyone. I think it can help those who are (either knowingly or subconsciously) looking inward for solutions. For those of us that are fairly comfortable in our own skins and are frustrated by externalities, I don’t think therapy would be very productive. That said, at a personal level with the goal of self improvement I probably could be a little more introspective about some things but I’m not bothered enough to go to a therapist for it.
For me it was Spock in ST:II
Right you are, Ken!
Edison Labs is cool to visit I guess.
When people say that (usually older folks that are used to something) they usually mean the UI. I wish there was a vendor that would keep their UI constant while patching just security and bugs.
Stupid sexy Gollum
I got blamed for a hair that was found in food. I’m bald. 😬😬😬
The Two Towers hot one = Baeowyn
Lmao best comment in thread
“Gondor has no king; Gondor needs no king!”
gets shot
“‘Nonetheless they will have need of wood,’ said Aule, and he went on with his smith-work.” What a G.
Well it is from the First Age!
Absolute chad
Holy shit imagine if Remy was also a rat New Type!
Looks like a remix of this:
Y’all taking the oath I hope you have lots of relatives.
This is so fucking stupid.
I love it.
Not if Doc Oc doesn’t wear pants!