Worse would be discouraging voting and activism. Instead try to tell people that nothing they do matters and just bend over and take it up the ass
I use Arch btw
Worse would be discouraging voting and activism. Instead try to tell people that nothing they do matters and just bend over and take it up the ass
I have both a t14 g1 and g3. With each generation, the keyboard gets more trash. I even tested out my friend’s new recent generation x1 carbon yoga and the keyboard was also bad. Lower travel and didn’t feel as solid.
I originally picked infosec but not too many communities were federated. Picked lemm.ee because it was easy to memorize and had a solid admin
Some people got teslas before they realized elon was nazi garbage. However, if you got a cybertruck, might be fair game.
Alright now eli5? Everything is jelly?
Exactly my point. It tends to be the case too.
I didn’t get the chance to vote in the last two presidential terms that’s correct. I also had political views back then. The difference here is we reelected someone we knew was garbage, and not only that but a threat to our democracy.
Before that, I could see the flag as a symbol of hope, and a symbol that if there is an inherent goodness in all of us, maybe, a slim majority of us can vote for someone less bad than the orange rapist.
After the election, if I had a flag to wave, I would rather pull it down or fly it upside down out of embarrassment. We truly are a nation run by idiots.
Found the anarchist
Yeah but if I see an Australian or New Zealander fly their flag I’m like “they’re probably chill”. If I see someone waving a bit american flag I would think they were going to shoot me and call me the n word
I need to give this a rewatch
Capitalism and what people choose to do with their money am I right
And I’ve thought I’ve seen every key and peele skit
This is me but without the girl
I started off with iphone 7, then pixel 5, now on pixel 7a. With each phone, it got increased in size. Pixel 5 was a compromise for me. Pixel 7a feels a step too big to be pocketable.
For the first minute I was still waiting, then I understood.
I got a friend that actually doesn’t listen to any music or sounds of any kind.
And Trump says it is to protect Christians because they’re being heavily persecuted. Those poor poor Christians.
Worse case scenario he gathers telemetry and sells your information or gives it to a company that does. Either way, it’s gpl so we can clone it and host it ourselves.
Are edibles as addictive as smoking? Just wondering