It wouldn’t be so sure about getting that refund
It wouldn’t be so sure about getting that refund
To your point though diminishing returns. When is it worth it. You’ve just a conceded that enforcing said laws don’t actually prevent the crime. I would say enforcement never prevents any crime and enforcement is about punishment not prevention. So when is it worth it? What level totalitarianism an authoritarianism is worth it? How much abuse and Injustice is necessary to assuage your fears about the other? Surely you’re not going to sit here and tell me only fear of punishment is what stops you from murdering people?
They’re enforced now but murder still happens.
To put it very simply and probably too broadly, capitalism. Our whole system is built around taking advantage of people.
So basically the same as America but behind by 18 months then politically?
Strong disagree.
No I don’t agree with that at all. You see right-wing Concepts all the time if you know where to look for them. Anytime there’s any discussion of protests? Comment section is militantly right-wing. Reddit gets hard that idea of running over and killing protesters. Anytime there’s anything about criminal justice? Nothing a redditor loves more than the idea of locking people up and torturing them. And don’t get me started on any video game subreddit.
Total post doesn’t really tell us much. Of course there’s going to be more posts over time. Hell there are Bots that post things. That number is going to go up as long as the servers exist. There could be no human users on here and those are going to go up.
I’ve slowly become obsessed with olives.
I mean you’d have to think the software is probably doing more damage than changing light bulbs so yeah I guess so.
There were multiple genocides going on too buddy
I think we all do that naturally a little bit, just like we also do it for music, and to maybe a lesser extent movies. But completely cut off? Probably not
Did we though?
Good Lord no
New Groove no question
Why would you want to do that? Like what’s the point?
Got to be the change brother. Start posting stuff. I’ll read it.