I always thought it was “this differs from that” and “it’s different than that”.
I always thought it was “this differs from that” and “it’s different than that”.
You’re wrong. In this expression, the “quiet” part means the “unsaid” part. If someone tells you a secret, and they say “please keep that quiet”, it means “don’t tell anyone”. If you’re driving in the car and the kids are being rowdy in the back seat, you would say “keep quiet back there”, it means “shut your mouth”.
To say the quiet part out loud, means “you said the thing you intended to keep unsaid”.
That’s a lot of different distros in one week. How do you give each one enough time to evaluate it before you choose to move to another?
I’ve only been to another country once in my life. In 2018 I was invited to present at a scientific conference held in Sicily, and my workplace sponsored my travel and accommodation costs.
After 6 days there, my takeaway was an unfavorable view of the local Sicilian people. This is obviously not representative of every person in Sicily, or Italians in general (Italy is a big place with lots of different regions), but I’m not in a hurry to go back to Palermo.
I know it primarily as a cheat code in Star Wars pod racer on N64, but I’ve seen it in other games too, and even referenced in different non-gaming contexts. I still don’t really know what it means.
When I was a kid I remembered it as “RR-Tan-Genta-Bacus”. It wasn’t until decades later I realised it is real words “tangent”, “abacus”.
if you identify as “scandisk/defrag watcher”, it’s for you
I am who you describe, and this made me realise that a progression/idle game based around a disk defragging mechanic would be amazing, and would scratch a deep itch for many people.
I get your point of view, and I personally use Jellyfin with my own library. But I have a different perspective about people complaining about shows disappearing from services.
People like complaining about things, it’s cathartic, and it doesn’t necessarily mean they have to do anything about it.
Imagine you have a favourite restaurant. One day you go in and that thing you really love isn’t in the menu anymore. You can grumble about it to the staff, complain to your friends, but you’ll just order a different item.
If next week your next favourite thing disappears from the menu, you’ll complain some more, or maybe just start going to a different restaurant. Yes, there is always the option to get the ingredients and make it yourself at home, but that’s a whole extra level of effort. For most people, the effort to complain a bit and choose a different thing from the menu is far less effort than making it yourself at home.
No Thanks. This is using the new Z2 Go chip. That is the lowest tier of all the new AMD chips. It’s for some reason built on the old Zen 3 architecture, and is even slower than the vanilla Z1 (non-extreme) from 2 years ago. And it’s using the outdated RDNA2 graphics cores.
This is probably good for best compatibility with SteamOS (close to Steamdeck hardware) but it’s not good compared to today’s most efficient or most powerful chips.
I had to look it up too. We actually call that shape of pasta “risoni” in Australia. And the meal you make with it is also called “risoni”.
I love that stuff. Definitely better than rice.
When I first read about Bitcoins, my takeaway was it was some kind of credits you could earn by using your unused use CPU cycles, but it wasn’t a sure thing, it’s a lottery, you have a chance to earn a credit (a “coin”) every few minutes, as long as you keep donating your CPU cycles. (This was before gpu mining was a thing). I tried it, and after 3 days I had earned 3 coins, but then I looked into the value, and they were only worth about 10c each. That’s less than the electricity it took to earn them. And you couldn’t spend them anywhere, except that one pizza place, where it cost a few thousand coins for a pizza. There weren’t even any exchanges to convert them to real currency if you wanted to.
I tried to find my coins years later, (when Bitcoins got to $2000 each), but I couldn’t find the old hard drive the wallet was on.
Same. That’s why I stick with zsh, even though I know Fish has better features, and I would really like to learn fish. I log into many different VMs every day, they all use Bash, some also have zsh. None of them have Fish.
Wezterm has tabs.
I suppose it goes to show just how much pressure, stress, and trauma we put ourselves through for a decent education. It has lasting effects, could even be a form of PTSD for some people.
I know this one is pretty common, but after I graduated uni I was having recurring dreams for years, where I’d suddenly realise I was enrolled in one extra subject and I’d forgotten to attend any classes, and the exam is tomorrow, and it’s the last subject I need to complete my degree, and if I don’t pass then I won’t graduate.
These were so real, and the panic and anxiety so intense. Every time I had this dream I would wake up convinced I was still enrolled in school, I would log into my school account only to confirm to myself that I have no current class enrolments, and indeed I did graduate already. It would still take me several hours to get that amount of anxiety out of my head.
I was having this dream at least once a month for about 18 months.
Yes, Scrubs is so good. I honestly believe My Lunch and My Screw Up are the two best written episodes of any TV show.
Same. The only time I’ve ever stayed up past sunrise was when I was trying to finish a game storyline. And by that time the intro was long past. I would never associate a game intro with staying up late.
Ha, sounds like my wife. She buys gifts for family members throughout the year and hides them all around the house and in the garage. Then it comes to Christmas or Birthday times, she goes looking around the house and often has forgotten what she got or who it was for or where she hid it.
Same. My AHI was 59. And during my sleep study there was on event where I didn’t breathe for more than a minute. My oxygen saturation got down to 81, that’s pretty scary. And that was likely happening to me every night for the last 15 years or more.
Since starting on my CPAP two months ago, my life has massively improved. I wake up feeling great most mornings. I still sometimes feel tired in the afternoons, but not on the level as before.
That makes sense, thanks!