West Asia - Communist - international politics - anti-imperialism - software development - Math, science, chemistry, history, sociology, and a lot more.

  • 39 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: December 27th, 2021


  • The argument isn’t to say its better or good. Rather, it is arguing that all likely alternatives to said politician would show the same homophobia policy. So given a frame of reference of politicians of that time, their LGBT policy doesn’t make them worse than realistic alternatives.

  • Cyclohexane@lemmy.mlMtoMemes@lemmy.mlSpot the difference
    2 months ago

    With due respect, that’s quite different than the claim you explained in the comment I replied to, so I hope you will edit it to clarify that. edit: I seem to have misunderstood the original comment.

    As to the point you stated in quotes in this comment (edit: which is what OP originally intended), I don’t see how they’re related. Criticizing China’s crackdown on dissent must not mean you should deny their credit on executing CEOs.

  • Cyclohexane@lemmy.mlMtoMemes@lemmy.mlSpot the difference
    2 months ago

    Thank you for your comment. From my skimming of the articles you sent, they seem to argue that the state has a track record of cracking down on dissent and protests.

    I’m not sure this proves your initial claim though (that CEO executions were done to combat government criticism), unless there’s a detail in these articles that I missed by skimming too fast. Please let me know if I missed it.

    While your claim is plausible, it is also equally plausible that they are acting within the defines of their state ideology, and we would need more evidence to prove it is one or the other.

    Disclaimer: I only skimmed the articles and did not attempt to verify the evidence they present, as it didn’t seem that they are addressing your initial claims.

  • Cyclohexane@lemmy.mlMtoMemes@lemmy.mlSpot the difference
    2 months ago

    So it’s planned economy that you’re disputing


    My question is very clear, why can’t you address it without pretending I asked something else?

    Again, you made the claim that CEO executions were made for the reason of seeking more control. Please provide proof that they were done for this reason and not any other reason. I have not asked for planned economy proof or anything else.

    If your next comment does not answer my question, then you are being intentionally misleading

  • Cyclohexane@lemmy.mlMtoMemes@lemmy.mlSpot the difference
    2 months ago

    The comment I replied to says:

    Working class rebel vs Elite class looking for more control

    Notice the part highlighted in bold. I am asking for proof of this. In other words, proof that the Chinese government executed CEOs only because they sought “more control”. Surely we are not expected to blindly trust this claim, right?

  • I wish we had a nice tagging system (and I don’t think they should be hashtags) that was also in common use.

    I want to be able to search any post related a certain topic, and sometimes, these may not always be in that topic’s community, because topics can overlap. For example, I might want to read posts about Ukraine war, but those might be in world news, US news, or combat footage communities. Could be a community about Ukraine in general, or Ukraine war specifically.

    I also may not want to get it from a single Ukraine community. Maybe by finding posts with the “Ukraine war” tag, I’ll see several communities and join the one I want. But there needs to be a way to group them somehow.

    Such a tag system may be useful for combined topics. For example, I may want to look for posts about music software. They might not be common in the music community, or software communities. But I could filter by both tags and find what I want.

  • I have read that it is faster, though I have not tested it myself. Personally, my initial reason to use it was just to try something new and explore the unix world. My reason for staying is that it is a very simple init system that is pleasant to work with. It made me understand what an init system is and use it a lot more.

    Systemd is good if you just want something invisible and you do not want to mess too much with an init system unless you have to. Everything integrates with it

    OpenRC is nicer if you want to write your own init scripts. It is very well documented also.

  • For #2,

    For gaming, if you use steam, you may not face more than the following:

    • game does not work with no well known way to resolve. You can find this out by checking protonDB
    • game does not work because it needs to enable some options. Very easy to fix, and you can find the options on proton db for each game.
    • does not work because you didn’t setup steam right. You often need to enable proton, which in short is steam’s emulator or windows
    • does not work because your gpu drivers did not install. This depends on distro and they should all have a guide on how to do it, but usually it is just a matter of installing something.

    For programming, you will love your life because everything programming is way easier on Linux.