This you?
I say weird shit and half the time I actually believe it.
This you?
Dude, you literally did ask people what their childhood best friend’s name was.
Fucking wrong piece of shit.
Birmingham, Alabama has a Zeppelin-mooring building.
I feel like this question is often pulled up in these conversations and it’s rather disingenuous.
Or rather it is taken disingenuously.
This question is not meant to say that if you didn’t have Jesus you would be a sadistic cannibal sociopath.
This question comes from the idea that what is God is good, and therefore if you don’t have God, you can’t possibly know what is good in a true and eternal fundamental sense, far beyond simple right and wrong.
Because if you think about it, if there is a God, then the universe and everything in it belongs to them, right?
And whatever they decide is good for their universe is the absolute barometric truth of what is good, right?
But far too often people are not able to encapsulate that thought and communicate it effectively when talking to people who are outside of their circles and areas of specialized knowledge, and therefore something gets lost in the translation even though the language stays the same.
This is a common issue in any field that gets excessively specialized, and it is typically exacerbated by the people who are inside the field, but not so far advanced into the field that they are aware of those pitfalls and how to navigate them.
So yeah, they’re not saying if it wasn’t for God they would rape and murder and kill and exploit. They’re saying that because of God they have a concept of something that is eternally true regardless of your individual impression of it, And if there was no God, there would be no thing like that in existence.
I had one guy who told me that he believed that God made the white people.
And that the black people evolved from monkeys.
And the people like me who are Native American and the Indians and Chinese and whatnot are all products of miscegenation between the white people who have souls and the black people who do not.
Surprisingly, being told that i am the proud possessor of some undefinable fraction of a human soul was not enough to get me to participate in their religion.
The first time I got onto the internet proper, I was over at a friend’s house for his birthday as a teenager and his dad had an account and he dialed in and the very first thing he showed me was a picture of a lit red candle sticking out of a woman’s butthole.
Prior to that, I had signed on to a local BBS with my home computer, but there was not any pornography available on that BBS.
It was glorious, though, being like 12 years old and figuring out how to make computers talk over telephone lines, though.
There used to be a greater power alone on the sea:
You became a light on the dark side of me.
Love became a draw that I could not appeal.
But did you know that when it snows,
My eyes become alive, and the light that you shine can be seen?
Baby, I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey…
Seems like it would be feasible to purchase a few hundred of those drives and then store them in vacuum sealed containers all over the place.
I believe that worst case after 100 years, the worst that future data restorationists would have to do is replace some rubber belts, Maybe rework a connector or two.
I’ve used the ATEM Mini and it works great. It’s like as dog simple as you can possibly get a couple of buttons to push and everything just fucking works.
It just goes to show you how ridiculously wealthy the top couple of percent are.
If you got rid of the top 1% $90,000 in free cash would make you well off.
17 I think. I had had a few drinks prior to that but actually drunk not unril then
Assuming that to me the game world becomes real and isn’t limited to the same path that the video game forces the player to go through, I would probably pick one of the Dungeons & Dragons games like Planescape or at worst something like Curse of the Azure bonds.
I would make irreplaceable objects like the Mona Lisa or Kurt Cobain’s acoustic guitar into my Horcruxes.
I would make it so that the cultural loss of what it takes to kill me would be far greater than anything I could ever do.
As long as your faith makes rich people feel good about themselves I guess.
I remember reading somewhere that the maximum amount of sleep debt that you can accumulate is something on the neighborhood of 20 hours.
Basically, by the time you have rested up 20 hours, whatever excess of sleep debt you had over that will be erased along with it.
That’s not to say that sleeping an extra 20 hours in a single go is a good or achievable thing, or that it would somehow magically undo all of the accumulated fatigue and wear from denying yourself that much sleep over that long of a time period.
Only that by the time you have accumulated an additional 20 hours of sleep by sleeping like an extra hour a day for three weeks that physiologically, there would be no continued improvement in your functioning by continuing to sleep extra.
I mean, as far as it actually goes, you have have slept enough, then you have have not slept enough, and that goes through a range of a “little tired” to “dead”.
The real answer is that as long as nothing becomes violent, the only thing that they can really do is to slowly Take away the supports of the people that are relying on them and provide information that might be harmful to potential employers to increase the number of people that are subservient to the state or otherwise financially incapacitated.
If it becomes violent, then they can use that information to identify the easiest targets for them to take out first And the people most likely to provide resistance should they be given time to gather together.
“I could take a gorilla easy. What i woukd do is circle around the gorilla, dodging its attacks until it wore itself out then throw it into a sleeper hold until it was down for the count” - some guy who got his shit wrecked by a gorilla
The sad thing is, all of the nuance aside, the answer is very simple.
If there is a good place, the good people will go there. If there is a bad place, the bad people will go there. If there is no place, we all will go there.
Even a child can understand, right?