There’s nothing special about wanting to be special. It’s the most ordinary thing in the world.
There’s nothing special about wanting to be special. It’s the most ordinary thing in the world.
They barely produce anything worth watching anyway. Maybe we need a few years break from Hollywood movies to enjoy what other countries are making.
Right-wingers as usual wanting to eradicate the past so that they can claim dumb shit like “there were no concentration camps”. And yet they call themselves “conservatives”. What a joke.
Can people really see the difference? I’d love to see a test between screens at different refresh rates, resolutions, and FPS, and how well people can discern between them. I have a feeling most wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.
Do you have a permit for that personal nuclear powerplant, sir?
20 years? Not 25? I thought 2060 was when things would really crumble due to climate change is we continued business as usual (which is what we’re doing).
I have the same feelings for people who blame immigrants for all their problems.
So who do these low and middle class people vote for? Politicians who continuously fuck over the middle and lower class. Do they organize themselves to demand higher wages, better living standards, more investment in public infrastructure? No, they demand “smaller government”, less affordable healthcare, bigger paychecks for their bosses so that it “trickles down”, they follow online propaganda that blames others and convinces them that other middle class and poor people are against them, they buy goods from monopolies and even proudly promote these monopolies, they idolize the rich and elite who don’t give a fuck about them, and of course they blame those who are struggling or even those who immigrate to provide much needed services.
Racists, xenophobes, and right-wingers in general are just as snow-flakey as the “woke mob”. They exacerbate the problems they have then blame whichever scapegoat they can find that can’t punch back. They’re just weak and don’t want to fight a strong, rich, well-connected opponent - they want to let out their frustrations against a weaker opponent: they’re bullies.
People will start cutting themselves on razorthin smartphones instead.
Then it would need liberation and a hefty dose of freedumb!
More room to pollute! 🥳🥳🥳
People still use winamp? Is there nothing better out there? I didn’t understand a word of what’s going on in that issue, honestly. You aren’t allowed to fork? Didn’t know you could fork code. Can you also spoon it or knife it? Maybe cut, slice and dice it?
What do people actually think rawdog means (besides having sex without a condom)?
Friends told The Substance is misandrist as all men in the film are portrayed as single-minded predators. It seems to primarily target women and maybe even women in the industry? Not sure how many men would enjoy watching a video of themselves being portrayed as the problem of all women - even if that’s maybe how the director or writers of the film feel.
I’d want to know how many people would continue eating meat if they had to kill the animal themselves after getting trained how to do it. Or as an alternative instead of doing the killing yourself being physically present while someone else does it for you and you have to watch, smell, and hear them prepare it for you.
Is it really unethical though?
The actually useful answer. Thanks