• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023

  • Also there’s already a ton of depth on the game

    I think I’m too jaded in this regard. Reading the wiki I don’t really see depth. Sure, there are activities with fun names, but they are all the same (you start the activity, you walk to finish it, you get random rewards). And all the items seem to be either for selling, basic crafting or just giving you a boost percentage for the activities you’re already doing.

    What the activities are missing are risk/reward, decision making, surprises, etc. Or as you’d say in game design “meaningful choices”.

    Sure, you have the choice on what skill you work on, but besides skill go up, items to make the activity faster and gold (not sure what it’s for, besides buying mats/items again?) that seems to be it.

    I guess combat could help if there’s actual resource investment and risk there. Like are you going to tackle this level 10 monster for higher rewards, with more likelihood to either fail (or spend extra resources on healing potions or whatever)? Or play it save and go against weaker monsters? There should also be extra gold sinks to work for / use the money you accumulated, be it limited use items, cosmetics and so on. And of course ways to play the game differently from other players, like classes, masteries, skill trees or whatever (and no, clicking an activity that says “Sandcastle Building” vs clicking “Ship repair” aren’t really choices).

    Just from someone who values gameplay a lot, I don’t see much difference in playing the game for an hour or 100 hours, in the end it keeps boiling down to the same actions with no depth attached. Personally I didn’t see the game value of it, compared to a step tracker (just that the step tracker doesn’t stop counting when it’s “full”, I didn’t like the step mechanic either where you get bonus steps only. If I’ve done my walking for the day I want to spend the steps, not select an activity and I get double steps for it next time I walk).

  • Ah yeah, I’m not a big mobile game fan and heavily play PC games. I just missed the draw of it, but had wrong expectations probably. In my head it was more of a sandbox combat game with gathering/crafting, so I kept trying to get to the actual game part :)

    While I’m not motivated at all by just achievements or grinding for grinding sake (incremental games are a slight exception there, but progress is much faster / you do have some goals dangled in front of your face). You’re probably aiming more for a classic fitness tracker, but instead of step counts, graphs and so on you present it in game form. Which is valid, but just not what I was after.

    As it gets brought up in this thread: When it came out I actually liked Pokemon GO, because the gameplay was interesting. Originally it only showed Pokemon near you and how far they are away (with 1, 2 or 3 foot steps). Which meant you wandered around and actually met people back in the city, grouped up to search or they knew where it was. That all got dumbed down until everyone was just sitting at the same spot and farming unfortunately :-/

  • As a German they are all technically correct, but one of them isn’t a proper translation.

    I believe I spider.

    “Ich glaube ich spinne.” isn’t in regards to spiders, the last word is a verb. “spinnen” means “to spin”, originally coming from spinning yarn, which then became spinning a thought :)

  • designing a vote weighting system that favors similar instances

    Would make the whole thing even worse, as I could create several new instances with 10 bot users each, then hammer out the votes.

    The entire problem is that you can’t trace back each vote to a genuine user. It would be bad in case of fake instances that create 100 user accounts and upvote/downvote stuff, but you can ban the instance. It would be a disaster if a big instance creates fake votes (like lemmy.world suddenly adds 1000 fake users and uses them to manipulate other instances, if votes were anonymous you couldn’t check if it’s genuine lemmy.world users or fake accounts).

  • The problem isn’t keeping votes anonymous, that’s easy. The problem is bots/spam. You could just create a new instance and then upvote a post from another instance a thousand times. If the votes are anonymous for the other instance it’s tough to say if they are genuine users or just bots.

    That’s the main issue here, when votes are anonymous you could easily just spam votes with no way to trace it back. If it’s a rogue instance then fine, you can ban the whole instance. But imagine if lemmy.world starts using fake votes in the background towards other instances.

  • I really don’t see the issue there, you’re only outputting highly specific data to a website, not dumping half the database.

    Do you mean your typical CRUD structure? Like having a User object (AuthId, email, name, phone, …), the user has a Location (Country, zip, street, house number, …), possibly Roles or Permissions, related data and so on?

    SQL handles those like a breeze and doesn’t care at all about having to resolve the User object to half a dozen other tables (it’s just a 1…1 relation, on 1…n, but with a foreign key on the user id it’s all indexed anyway). You also don’t just grab all this data, join it and throw it to the website (or rather the enduser API), you map the data to objects again (JSON in the end).

    What does it matter there if you fetched the data from a NoSQL document or from a relational database?

    The only thing SQL is not good at is if you have constantly changing fields. Then JSON in SQL or NoSQL makes more sense as you work with documents. For example if you offer the option to create user forms and save form entries. The rigid structure of SQL wouldn’t work for a dynamic use-case like that.

  • I mean in my case it’s for an international company where customers use this structure and the depth can basically be limitless. So trying to find the topmost parent of a child or getting all children and their children anywhere inside this structure becomes a performance bottleneck.

    If you have a single level I really don’t understand the problem. SQL joins aren’t slow at all (as long as you don’t do anything stupid, or you start joining a table with a billion entries with another table with a billion entries without filtering it down to a smaller data subset).

  • If you only join on indexed columns and filter it down to a reasonable number of results it’s easily fast enough.

    For true hierarchical structures there’s tricks. Like using an extra Path table, which consists of AncestorId, DescendentId and NumLevel.

    If you have this structure:

    A -> B -> C

    Then you have:

    A, A, 0

    A, B, 1

    A, C, 2

    B, B, 0

    B, C, 1

    C, C, 0

    That way you can easily find out all children below a node without any joins in simple queries.

  • Well, there’s modern C++ and it looks reasonable, so you start to think: This isn’t so bad, I can work with that.

    Then you join a company and you find out: They do have modern C++ code, but also half a million lines of older code that’s not in the same style. So there’s 5 different ways to do things and just getting a simple string suddenly has you casting classes and calling functions you have no clue about. And there’s a ton of different ways to shoot your foot off without warning.

    After going to C# I haven’t looked back.

  • No, it’s not. Most people, even in the US, can easily use the range. You don’t go to a cross country roadtrip every day.

    You drive to work, go grocery shopping, drive home and that’s usually it. A range of 400km+ with new EVs is easily enough. Or do you drive to the gas station every 2 days with your current car?

    And even if you go on a roadtrip, after driving for 4 hours you might want to take a break anyway.

    You do realize there is no data available for the future? We aren’t there yet.

  • You do realize most people charge at home? It doesn’t matter how long it takes when the car is just sitting there (you’ll even save time compared to driving to the gas station).

    Manufacturers also give 7+ years warranty on batteries by now, but even after 10 years a battery doesn’t just break, you only lose a few percent of range (if this wasn’t already calculated into the buffer, depends on the car).

    You do know EV sales stall because of that, right?

    In what fantasy world are you living? EVs just hit an all-times sales record last year. This is for the US, but it’s similar all over the world: