The weird thing is “confessing” about it no?
Yeah by switching to a farm-stance, but when healing they do super little damage (and if they do they aggro hard so not very useful).
Also the newly cut edge is sharper and feels more than a 3 week old bristle.
There are pure healers in wow too for example.
Don’t forget about the advocado toasts!
Hook it up as a subnet for yourself!
I have tons of firefox tabs open, even on my telephone. I’m quite sure they just get unloaded /not loaded if not used?
I wonder what the hell they are doing with it? I mean I have the 3B with IIRC 1GB and I can use the desktop and run python scripts to fiddle with all the I/O ports and stuff, what do you do with a raspberry that needs eight times the RAM??
I’m seriously curious!
28" or 32" though?
Ouch yeah that windows endpoint stuff is really rattling though. I get you just can’t whitelist some folder without compromising security, but when the “eNdPoInt pRoTeCtIon” just removes dlls and exes you are compiling (and makes your PC crawl) you really hate that shit.
Right click? 40 seconds plz (maybe any of the possible contextual right clicks might be on a virus so lets just check them all once again).
At home I have an old linux pc, and it blows those corpo super pcs out the window.
Rant off :-D
Ah yeah, IT people are chill, always be cool with them is also a good idea, not their fault all this crap exists.
Gigabit fiber? You’re in some posh spot but needs to downgrade for some reason, right?
With 2 Tac-2 joysticks.
Fooled again by … yourself!
JK, hope you do do things after all (stop doom scrolling if you do ;-)
The Green song of limbo that everyone listened to in the early 2000.
Dopamin isn’t released after the task, it’s released as you think you will do it.
Hey thanks!
They have kind of significantly risen in price though since those $5 days!
Managers without empathy.
Sounds a bit like doctors without borders now when I think about it, it’s maybe already a clan.
Looks more like you’re pancaking.