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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • We can reliably screen for HIV (all blood donations are) why the fuck are homosexuals discriminated against over this.

    except that the tests are (per cdc) up to 90 days late in detection. So you may get infected and spend 3 months testing negative.

    And judging by OPs being german, where the rule (admittedly only since 2021) is “you may only have fucked one guy for the last 4 months”, this seems like being on the safe side, but not completely excessive to me.

  • I’ve donated plenty of times, because it makes sense that there is no other way to save lives than to donate.

    On the other hand, I’ve been wondering for years, that while I’ve been told a million times that “blood reserves are low - donate blood now!”, I’ve not ever heard that a single person died due to lack of available blood.
    Why would something like that not be reported if you want to motivate people to donate?

    My personal guess is that this comes because “lack of avaiable blood donations” isn’t a valid cause of death, the cause of death is whatever else (gun shot wound, knife severed artery / complication during surgery etc), thus it’s hard to pinpoint. Also Doctors may try to “save” blood, when they know little is available, and people may die that may have lived if they had gotten (more) blood, but also they may not have and it is hard to tell.

  • I think it may be decent, but the homepage is not convincing me.

    I had a tiny little look, and don’t like that I had to log in (although selfhosting seems to be possible since very recently), and then had a weirdly full notebook. It also seems like they don’t save their data in nice little markdown files, but use some custom database-stuff.
    They probably allow exporting into markdown, but I’d prefer it to be stored in a legible format.

    Overall, I had a look, and I’ll stay with logseq + syncthing

  • I’d say that’s a philosophical question.

    And worse even, I’d say this is something that changes with the culture of people.

    a while ago, gladiators killing & maiming each other for entertainment was considered fine.
    Raping and Abducting during wartime was normal.

    Currently, I’d say the cultural moral compass has shifted enough, to consider these two examples rather bad behaviour.

    But as Tasty seems to have had a nice life and didn’t suffer, so had it better than most cows which end up in a similar fate, I’d say that currently this would not be considered “bad” behaviour by most people.

    Of course there is a viewpoint already out, that all killing of animals is equivalent, in other words equivalent to killing humans. From that point of view, what you did is rather horrific.
    Maybe, in some time, when something like lab-grown meat without any nervous system is commonplace, killing animals for food becomes as horrific as we consider killing other humans for food.
    Or, you know, it could also swing the other way, and an apocalypse makes Soylent from dead people completely normal food.

  • So is this theory of veganism to not cause pain to an animal? If so what about ethically sourced meat. Like bullet to the head/decapitation. Most of those creatures feel nothing, they just end.

    lots (propably most) animals used for farming meat are in pain during their lives.
    That’s longer than the time they’re dying in any case.