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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • Good question… If I remember correctly his motivation was to give a choice besides the only person that would have been on the ballot otherwise. Perhaps a moral choice because he thought that there should be at least another choice even if the result is the same in a good democracy.

    And it’s a good right to exercise for everyone even if you then choose not to take that position for one reason or another. Who knows what reason someone has, maybe just to be more well known…

  • Depends on what is getting voted on. Posts on Lemmy? Eh… Maybe if I find them especially good or bad. Can’t be bothered otherwise.

    In that one instance where I didn’t vote… It was a local election with exactly two candidates. One of which told ahead of election day that should he win he would refuse to take office. So yeah… Didn’t bother with that.

  • All of this is IMHO so keep that in mind.

    Politically it’s pretty extremist from what I can tell. Not just that but support for that extreme political stance is also rather high. Neithe of which is a good thing in my book. Other news I get to know about also tend to paint a pretty grim picture when it comes to human rights, rich/ poor divide and acceptance of people who have different preferences. I also mostly remember having met people how you described in the opening.

    To say how it is, my opinion is not exactly good. Primarily because of how they act a d their political choices. Though I chalk some of that up to a lack of education. And it’s also not so bad that I’d rather not deal with them. Just that I have a healthy dose of " oh no, not one of those guys again. This will get exhausting, isn’t it" whenever I see someone that fits the description.

  • You know, you do you in Humor communities. I personally don’t expect to find the most serious of comments under posts in those.

    Anyhow…Naturally there is a good argument to be made about making good comments. And that it may be a good idea to not comment things that are probably obvious. Just so that the file is a shorter read.

  • Apparently management positions. The amount of people in such positions that are full of themselves and are hitting terribad descicions at the same time, all the time, never to improve on that. Is terribly high.

    Yeah sure, let’s not involve the construction department of the company with that big move you are “planning” for half a year now. Also only realize you need tons of work done before you can even start that move a month ahead of the due date. Then do a terrible job of getting that sorted. And only have the most basic of time plans for the actual move ready a couple days before they are supposed to happen. Make that time window awfully short because you also need those machines to produce again because you failed to plan extra production to create a buffer for intermediate products. Then go ahead and slash that awfully short time plan on the first day because surprise, surprise… You don’t have a buffer of intermediate products and you really need those machines up and running again so that you can push actual finished products out the door. Also hope for the best which is that the machines just start up and run again… Yes as if that ever worked with complicated machines that are also old now and could just fail completely just from getting moved.

    Grade A plan…

  • So… As someone who uses the all feed and that includes finding this post and subsequently interacting with it. There are reasons to use all. I use my subscriptions more as bookmarks to have an easy return path to a community should I feel the need to really check up on that particular community. I then use all to browse for interesting content to read and possibly interact with. I don’t use local because that feed gets stale with things I have already seen very fast and I don’t look at only subscribed feeds because I don’t want it to be an echo chamber of my own preferences.

    I block communities that don’t interest me, can’t interact with reasonably anyways or that are simply annoying. As it is I don’t see a problem with using all since it still drives interaction via comments like this one. You can’t really restrict voting either since that creates more issues than it solves. Remember that voting on a post is interaction too even if there is no comment from someone. Perhaps that person is short of time or just doesn’t have anything to add.

    At the end of the day it is personal choice how people choose to discover and interact with content.

  • I don’t own either current gen consoles. But I do have a rather up to date PC. I don’t have any current gen consoles when I owned some before (360, PS4) because I don’t like how they handle those consoles. I don’t run windows anymore because I disagree that MY PC that I built is somehow Microsoft’s property if I use their software. I used to be a Halo fan but ever since Halo 4 the series has been rather… Mediocre and I just don’t have time for sub par experiences. In fact I have not touched any AAA titles in so long because they have all been overly save and boring.

    I don’t hate every big company making games,in fact I miss the old Ubisoft from the early 2000s or valve or blizzard (save of a few things) or…

    Either way, the market isn’t infinite and at some point keeping the existing player base is probably a good idea. So is not pissing of customers with practices that are predatory. Ultimately wild uncontrolled growth is also known as cancer.

  • Welcome to Linux! Enjoy the stay.

    Now when it comes to me, I had my windows system break on me when I tried to diagnose a HDD issue and decided that since it’s just a data drive I can just disconnect it and see if it was the right drive. How wrong I was, couldn’t even get it to boot after that. So since I didn’t like how windows 10 handled stuff like that and knew at the time that it would get worse… I set up a dual boot with windows 10 and Ubuntu. Figuring that I would probably use windows the most and only sometimes use Linux. After a short while I actually had moved everything I could to Ubuntu and only used windows for the very few things that were just too stubborn at the time. Mainly anti Cheat stuff. It was still 2018 after all. Since that eventually got solved I ditched windows completely and have never looked back. Though I still sometimes wonder about a few of the issues I see and hear about on windows these days.

  • I suppose it doesn’t quite qualify as breaking the system in a funny or stupid way but it certainly was one of those stupid things that was easy to fix after a ton of trouble shooting, ignoring the issue for a while and trying to fix it again.

    So i had an old pc where I had a failed hard drive which I replaced. Obviously I also accidentally unplugged my optical disc drive and plugged it back in. Now that failed drive was just a data drive so the system should have booted up no problem since the os was on a SSD but instead it got a kernel panic and got stuck at boot. Since it was late I left it at that and came back to that the next day where it would still not boot. So I unplugged the disc drive and looked up what it could be. Tried a ton of different possible solutions but every time I added that disc drive it would panic.

    I eventually kind of gave up and just didn’t use that disc drive at all and just had it as a paperweight in the system. Unplugged and all that. When my replacement SSDs for my old data drive and backup drive came in I tried again to get that optical drive working but to no avail. So I unplugged it again, got it all set up and ran into another issue where for some reason Linux couldn’t properly use my backup SSD. So I investigated that as well and trough some miracle found a post on the forum from my Mainboard manufacturer… Turns out that particular Mainboard had a data retention chip on it that didn’t like Linux.

    So naturally I just plugged everything into the data ports that were not controlled by that chip and it all worked as intended.

    Stupid dumb chip on a Mainboard, all I had to do was try the simple idea of unplugging and trying a different connector but instead I did all that other stuff first that didn’t work and cost me so much of my time.

    Moral of the story, when in doubt try and put stuff on different connectors and see if that fixes it. Might just be a dead connector for all you know. Or an incompatible chip on the Mainboard.

    FWIW I bought that Mainboard long before I switched to Linux and didn’t plan at all to switch at the time. But that’s a different story.