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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023

  • Yes, but also no. Older hardware is less power efficient, which is a cost in its own right, but also decreases backup runtime during power failure, and generates more noise and heat. It also lacks modern accelerated computing, like ai cores or hardware video encoders or decoders, if you are running those appd. Not to mention lack of nvme support, or a good NIC.

    For me a good compromise is to recycle hardware upgrades every 4-5 years. A 19 year old computer? I would not bother.

  • SkyNTP@lemmy.mltoComic Strips@lemmy.worldSelf Help
    1 month ago

    Information is not truth.

    The point of a teacher is to challenge the student. We become wiser by putting knowledge to the test, not by merely ingesting information. There is as much misinformation as there is true information, if not more. That is why learning is only complete once the misinformation is separated from the true information. And the only way to do that is to experience the information in the context of the real world.

    This is just as true for machine learning/AI BTW.

    Interestingly, each and every title portrayed here is, individually a lie, and collectively probably more accurate. Because the truth is usually much more nuanced and complicated than can be distilled into a short book title. But you won’t get that by reading a single book or author. And while reading multiple authors is closer to getting to the truth, the real truth is found when you put the books in context with your own experiences and reality.

    That’s not an excuse for climate denial though. A teacher will rightfully tell you your world view is too small to experience climate change.

  • Been on Lemmy since the App/API ban. Haven’t looked back at reddit since, other than the occasional search result pointing to someone’s q&a.

    Side note, anyone else tired of all the sanitized AI slop that pervades search results? The only websites worth visiting these days are user forums (incl. reddit/Lemmy) and wikipedia.

  • SkyNTP@lemmy.mltoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldWtf is this?
    1 month ago

    Fun fact, the accent circonflexe, the ^ in “â”, is basically an old silent s in French. So “râpe”, pronounced RAH-Pe, shows the etymology of the word: rasp. Similar with Hôpital, HOE-PEE-TAL: hospital.

    Another fun fact, these style graters are also really great for making spätzel at home.

  • The scientific process derives consensus from not observing what is expected in a theory, rather from repeated failure to observe counter examples to what is expected. This is the whole point of “reject the null hypothesis”.

    Stated more plainly, a scientific theory is solidified when you put yourself in the shoes of your own fiercest critics, and attempt to question your own idea (in good faith) and fail to observe any evidence to substantiate that criticism. A scientific theory, is then put under that scrutiny for real, and gains consensus when others fail to observe any counter examples for themselves.

    So to answer “what to look at”, the answer is always, what would your competition look at to try to disprove you? Then look at that, to see if there is anything of substance to discredit your own idea, and save everyone the time and your embarrassment in case there are easy counter examples.

  • Lots of great points in the comments. But I think so far no one has really addressed your core complaint head on, which is why society tolerates a double standard here.

    Parents get a pass because they are supporting more than just themselves… It may appear that the parent who is getting a free pass is pulling less weight, if you look at this exclusively through the lens of comparing contribution to the company’s productivity. But if you expand that lens a bit, you see that raising a child is also work to be valued (which you benefitted from yourself, btw). Frankly, a company with a work culture that considers its social responsibility to the community beyond merely spitting out products is a really good thing.

    If you are ok with the double standard of handicapped parking, you should be ok with this too.